Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 13: A Day At The Fair (Police Barge to Monument Island)

After landing on the barge turn to the left and look down. There are 3 more Founders in the area below that need to be dealt with. Either pick them off from above or get in there and deal with them. One way or another, it is better to search the area so you can get all the Silver Eagles that are floating around here. Be sure to go fro the Freight Hook that hangs above the Pharmacy nearby the barge. It is easy to miss and there are 3 crates up there.

When everything is dealt with in the immediate area look up and over to the left. You will see a balcony with an open door and 2 freight hooks. Use the Sky-Hook to connect to either then land on the nearby balcony. Head inside the hotel and, going forward and to the left. Look behind the Nightstand, to the right of the bed, to find another piece of gear. After that go over to the right and head through the doorway. Deal with the 2 Founders who rush you then head out onto the patio. There is nothing much to be found here so latch onto the Sky-Line and take it to its end. When you hear someone order the Foudners to stand down, land on the nearby balcony.

The soldiers will stop attacking you and be knelt in prayer. You get nothing to killing them so do not bother. Simply head for the door that they are gathered in front of and go through it. Head through the room to the elevator and take it on up. Booker and Father Comstock have something of a talk. After that simply follow the signs leading to the Sky-Line. The Zeppelin will cause quite a bit of destruction as it moves in to dissuade DeWitt.

Head to the end of the walkway and look to the right. You will see a number of Freight Hooks you can jump to easily. From there just wait a moment for one of the Soldiers to come out onto the nearby landing. Attack them with a Sky-Line Strike then turn to the left and go for the door. Take a little time to loot the nearby containers. As you go through the door you will be attacked by more soldiers. Take them out quickly.

Once the soldiers are down go over to the left and through the door there. This takes Booker directly to the controls for the Zeppelin. To the right of the door inside the cockpit you see a woman praying to Father Comstock.

Interact with the Rig Controls and Comstock will appear before you on a floating barge. He tells you that he does not have to forgive everyone. Booker turns around to see the woman drop a torch and ignite the whole zeppelin. Head back to the area you first entered the zeppelin and quickly find the cargo bay doors. Use the Sky-Hook to attach to Sky-Line below and take off running for the Monument Island Station. Just leap off the Sky-line at the next point you can and head over to the right and through the double doors. If you need supplies be sure to hit up the Dollar Bill Vending Machine to the left of the door. When you are ready just go through the doors and you will be there.