Hello, so i want to show you a wow tcg client:



Deck Editor:


What you need:
* OCTGN runs off Microsoft's .NET 4.0 framework.
* Once you have that installed, you can download the OCTGN client with lobby
* Sets, game definition
*or All files in 1

*Octgn Customizer - lets you change background , choose between pre-implemented ones.
image: http://i56.tinypic.com/eg1qhj.png



del - discard card
ctrl+r - remove card
ctrl+c - play as resource row face-down
ctrl+q - play card
-Play card faced-down from hand - drag card from your hand and hold shift button
-choose from hand more than 1 card - while holding ctrl choose cards
ctrl + m - mulligan


ctrl + shift + t - create token
ctrl + shift + r - Roll d6
ctrl + shift + x - Roll X-sided Die
ctrl + f - Flip card (face-down/face-up)
ctrl + a - attack
ctrl + z - activate card effect
ctrl+p - peek(look on flipped card face-up)
del - destroy card
ctrl + r - remove card
ctrl + b - can't ready during ready step
ctrl + g - protect
ctrl + 1 - add custom Marker
ctrl + 2 - add -1 health marker
ctrl + 3 - add +1 ATK counter
ctrl + 4 - add +1/+1 counter
ctrl + 5 - add -1/-1 counter
ctrl + u - turn upside-down
esc(on card) - clear card from targets and combats
esc - clear all targets
tab - pass priority
enter - respond
ctrl + p - peek(show face-down card)
ctrl + c - rotate
ctrl + x - next step
F1 - Start Phase
F2 - Action Phase
F3 - End Phase
ctrl + q - loose 1 life
ctrl + w - gain 1 life
ctrl+shift+s - Scoop (Returns all cards to your deck)
pagedown - sent to back
pageup - sent to front


ctrl + s - shuffle deck
ctrl + d - draw top card
ctrl + alt + d - draw many...
ctrl + p - peek(show face-down card)
Lobby Commands
/w [Username] [Message]
Sends a [Message] to [Username]
/r [Message]
Reply’s with [Message] to last user to whisper you.
/i [Message]
Sends a [Message] to the irc chat.
Makes your status away