Red alert! Check your photon torpedo count, make sure your phaser banks are full and keep transporter room two warmed up... The Final Frontier's first online Open Beta Test will remain operational until Tuesday, January 26 at 6:00 p.m. Pacific.

We've experienced such an incredible response to our Open Beta Test that we've decided to extend the play time by a full day as a thank you to our fans. If you haven't yet had an opportunity to check it out, come give us a look. We've made impressive changes, improvements and additions to Star Trek Online and the infrastructure that maintains it over the past two weeks of Open Beta. We would love for you to experience it all before we engage at maximum warp and officially launch on February 2, 2010.

Of course, these extended Open Beta Test times will not impact the planned Head Start for our supportive pre-order customers.

See you in the Sirius Sector!