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  1. #1
    Sheeny's Avatar
    Sheeny is offline Common
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    Aug 2009

    Post Do you remember. . . . .

    How many remember or even heard the story of the guy selling master pieces of art or prints, commissioned by the U.S. Government; designed by the most talented and skilled artists and designers of the time.

    This was way before computers, when every nationally distributed magazine had hundreds if not more of those small adds appearing on the last several pages.

    If memory serves me right, within this small ad, you were buying an original print, authorized by the U.S. Government, who commissioned the world's most talented artists and designers, and the prints requiring such exact specifications, could only be done by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; etc. etc.

    And for a limited time, you can own one of these Government authorized, high quality prints for the low price of just $9.99. Hurry, while supplies last. Send check or M.O. to. . . . . .

    Anyhow, as the story goes, the response to the add was very well received by many collectors and investors who fell for the scam. They received for their $9.99 an official, government authorized, high quality print, A POSTAGE STAMP.

    And yes, nowhere in the add was a mention of the size (dimensions) of the print.

    Oh yea, I recall reading about this a long time ago when the individual running the ad was arrested. I don't remember the exact reasons, but would suspect something like mis-representation.
    Last edited by Sheeny; 01-29-2011 at 10:13 PM. Reason: Additional info



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