i need help i cant think of nicknames for my Ampharos and my Togetic
for togetic how about snowspike
hmmmmmm cool i choose that name thanx X3
for Ampharos maybe name it ZapZap
well let's see
i named my chikorita, currently a meganium, "leafy"
my growlith, currently arcanine, "rover"
my red gyarados i named "gurren" because i heard it means crimson in a different language, though i have yet to figure out which (and yes i'm a huge GL fan)
my pidgey, currently pidgeot, "twitter"
and my mareep, currently ampharos, "ikki"
a murkrow named "kurasu" the japanese word for crow
and a magikarp named "houdini"
I named my Lugia Raptor. and i also named my ho-oh veloci. Together they make velociraptor
I also named my totodile toto, my Alakazam Lucas, my Gardevoir Clare, my Latios Sarah, my Wingull Gulliver (one of my best names if you ask me :P), my Yanma Harold, my Poochyena Poochy, my Steelix Rocky, my Entei Ness, my Raikou Zack, my Koffing Coughing, my Suicune Jake, my Cumbusken Lenny, Rayquaza Jacob, my Stantler Rudolf (PERFECT XD), my Girafarig George, my Groudon Logan, my Sandslash Sandy, and thats about it! I hope you liked my names! I'm still taking a bunch to the name rater. Tell me what you think of them
me? sometimes whimsical, sometimes practical, sometimes tongue-in-cheek and other times proving just how big a nerd i am.
Dragonite: mine is currently called Puff (because he looks like a magic dragon) but for a while i was debating Captain Planet because of his movelist: Earthquake, Fire punch, Wing Attack & Aqua Tail, and the power of heart~ er... Inner Focus! by your powers combined...
Garchomp: Bulette. for the non-D&D players, a Bulette is a monster commonly nicknamed "land shark"
Gallade: Gotcha, due to his moveset tuned to help me capture with ease: Mean Look, Hypnosis, false swipe & Close Combat (i so wish it could learn Foresight).
Useless & Pointless: while not ones you would use in most combats, these Bibarel sibling have between them 7 TM moves (waterfall, rock smash, strength, whirlpool, surf, cut, rock climb) and headbutt. they are my 2 most useful pokemon when moving about the routes and caves.
Electrode: Flashlight. it should be obvious why.
Staraptor: Boeing, after the airplane. he gets me from A to B but doesn't do much in the distance between.
Magmotar: his flame body trait has caused him to gain the name Incubator.
Charizard: Burninator
Mamoswine: Pumbaa
Luvdisk: Truman. because only a true man could beat another senseless with heart-shaped fish.
Infernape: SonWukong, the monkey king whom he is affectionately modeled after
all 28 unknown are named after the ASCII character they resemble so they can spell things out.
i tend to name only the ones i feel particularly attached to.
i named my Magikarp Poseidon he took forever to level up to 20
I call my Psyduck Derpy.
oh, if only i could fire up my DS to see some crazy names, but sadly, i misplaced my DS Lite charger a while ago...here are some good nicknames of mine:
I have an Aggron named Lil' Guy, i named him that when i first caught him as an Aron, and i just felt the name was too cool, sentimental reasons. I'm emotional with my Pokèmon, sue me :P
One of my favorites was Burny Pony, for my Ponyta :3
Cresselia named Tsukijin, which is my broken sort-of Japanese meaning of "Moon King", but, you know, it's CRESSELIA, so it's kind of odd
My Pelipper named Dingle Hopper, but i had to shorten it to DinglHopr (and if anyone gets the reference that name is making, you totally rock)
And one of my final favorite is my Metagross named 1337itite, because he's just THAT awesome.
Oh yeah, and my Zubat/Golbat named Vladmir! Yay!
I normally have the worst names for my Pokemon.
I have a Bibarel called "HM Slave" because Bibarel can learn all the hm's except for fly.
I have a Hypno called "Snore"
I have a Rotom called "Matter"
I have a Gyrados called "Red Eel" because it's shiny.
I have a Kyogre called "Whale"
I have a Marshtomp which is called "Mudkipz" I evolved him accidently.
I need some cool name for ninetales (f), glaceon (f), mightyena (m&f), lopunny (f), buizel(m), sneasel (f), delcatty (f), absol (m&f), luxray(m&f)...thanks never had a good imagination for names, and for the glaceon ive already thought of frost but anything else i would like to hear
I named my Luxio LuxLuther and my Aerodactyl is Aerostotle.
Hey I need some names for my Abomasnow any ideas? I thought something like SnowDude/SnowDudette or Avalanche???
Ninetales I named Mystic, Glaceon I name EmaFrost, Mightyena Male is AlphaM Female is AlphaF, Lopunny is Zacatuche (another word for a rabbit), Buizel is Jet, Sneasel is Claw,
Delcatty is PretyKity, Absol male is DarkKnife and Female is DarkWolf, Luxray male i named it Rayden but sparkys good to, and female is Shocker