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  1. #1
    Tauren's Avatar
    Tauren is offline Uncommon
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    Default How do i make an umbreon in pokemon platinum

    How do you make an umbreon in pokemon platinum

  2. #2
    raydawg11595 is offline Uncommon
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    Jul 2009

    Default Re: How do i make an umbreon in pokemon platinum

    Make Eevee have full happiness, then level it up at night. i would recommend trying to evolve a hatched Eevee egg, not a wild Eevee, because i was able to evolve my eevee into umbreon at level 22, but when i tried to get a wild eevee from level 22 to an espeon (evolves morning with max happiness) it took until level 56. the egg probably works faster because its like your its parent.
    *note: NOT a level based evolution, the next level you get it to after full happiness is when it evolves*



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