Anyone played Scorched Earth?
For those who don't know this game, it is a shareware game from the DOS era. Here is the link to the entry on Wikipedia (Though I will be putting in a review of my own soon in our articles section)
Scorched Earth Wikipedia Entry
And here is the Link to the Official Scorched Earth website
Game was (still is) real fun to play. It was an Artillery turn based game. You could change many of the physics options such as wind and gravity, and there were tons of weapons and other equipment you could buy for your tank.
I would play it with friends a lot, its very cool when playing against others. Like if one tank got hit it would explode in a random manner, sometimes taking others with it. I remember once I had a blast when I hit one of my friend's tank, it exploded hitting another tank, which then exploded into another tank...thus I wiped the whole map in one shot(including myself) ... it was stuff like that which made the game so great.