@Aru_arudo I'm not getting any glitch at that point. My copy of VSP2movie was last updated 2/4/2022.
@Aru_arudo I'm not getting any glitch at that point. My copy of VSP2movie was last updated 2/4/2022.
It's some random blurring but since it's at the beginning it's not really interfering with the actual nudity but it's kind of weird.
vsp2movie4 is indeed the last version that I made.
The movie that you get, is of course not a real movie: it are all parts that will be played in the game.
It looks to me that the 'glitch' is just a transition from one part to an other.
This vs4 to avi program is not realy something special :-)
The first 1499999 bytes of the avi file are coded with a XOR Hex AA and it can be decoded with the same XOR.
For p = 0 To v_data
buff(p) = buff(p) Xor v_code
' v_data for vs4 = 1499999 or Hex 16E35F
' v_code for vs4 = 170 or Hex AA
Now you have to change the first 4 bytes into RIFF
buff(0) = &H52 ' R
buff(1) = &H49 ' I
buff(2) = &H46 ' F
buff(3) = &H46 ' F
and the avi file is ready!
With the old VS4 files you also have to change the next bytes (with the new VS4 files at Hex 71 (113) the decoded byte is a '2', Hex 32 or 50 decimal)
If buff(113) <> 50 Then
buff(112) = &H78 ' x
buff(113) = &H76 ' v
buff(114) = &H69 ' i
buff(115) = &H64 ' d
buff(188) = &H58 ' X
buff(189) = &H56 ' V
buff(190) = &H49 ' I
buff(191) = &H44 ' D
End If
Like you can see on the pictures, you can get the XOR hex code very easy when you know there are a lot of zero bytes (Hex 00) in the beginning of the avi file .... (Very smart Torquemada ... :-) )
But there can get something wrong indeed in the beginning of the file when Torquemada is changing the number of the bytes that are XOR coded (or when I do not have the right amound of coded bytes ...).
When you see some collered blocks or the video is doning weird for a moment, then indeed the number of coded bytes will be wrong.
vs4 -avi.jpg
It seems to me that not every player can handle these types of AVI files.
When I play this (4338-ginger) file with MPC-HC x64 (media player classic), I can go frame by frame through the video from 3 seconds to 5 seconds without any problems.
When I use IrfanView I get a lot of interference at the 4 second position.
Using VLC Media Player, the AVI index is first rebuilt and the video plays without any problems
With VirtualDub I can also go through the 3-5 second part frame by frame without any problems, but frame 116 is at 0:00:04.640 and frame 117 is at 0:00:04:680 (it should be the transition from frame 116 to 117 that would go wrong). The image you posted is 0:00:04.647.
With the NCH VideoPad video editor there is also no problem.
When I convert the avi file first by NCH Prism Plus to a new avi and I play it again in IrfanView the problem is also gone.
It looks like you have to try some other video players when you have this problem.
(MPC-HC and VLC media player are for free :-) )
New girl Liza is released. http://www.strippokersupreme.com/dow...=4340-liza.vs4
Anybody got the links to the new HD copies of Amanda, Naomi & Cora?
Also what about the other older girls, are any more of them getting the HD treatment? I's love to see Samantha the one on the wooden round chair with cream, god she is awesome! Then Mylene, Martha & Hanna, Helen as well. In fact in my opinion the girls were far prettier back then, not so impressed of late. Too many with false lips and far too skinny🤣
I think that all the people who wanted to join this forum noticed that it is not possible since some years now.
I did try to contact the moderators/admin about this for several times, but I never got an answer....
There is however an other good forum with a lot of good info about this game. Even with codes for free opponents !!
at https://f95zone.to/threads/virtual-s...es.4450/page-3
post #49 and post #50 you can find also 2 email addresses. With them you can play some opponents for free online (that is, when not to many users are using it at the same time :-) )
One of the members there who wanted to sign in here, but could not, found me also on forums.atariage.com and told me about that forum.
The cheat code for May is totally different from previous months: MMEWM
Duplicate removed.
New girl Kim is released;http://www.strippokersupreme.com/dow...p=4341-kim.vs4
So they release Sabina (Classic girl HD remaster) and then Sabrina right after haha.
The preview pictures for Sabrina don't do her justice though because the exposure makes her face look weirdly tanned but the video it's fine.
Here is the link to the new VS42avi
The decodering for VS4 is now for the first 1,500,000 bytes
It is in my Google Drive map, so it can be downloaded immediately.
It took me a while to change this program, because someone pointed me to the game Baldur's Gate 3.
This is now my most favorite game after Might and Magic 6. ( and before you ask.... no, Poker isn't even in my top 5 :-) )
New girl Sabrina is released.http://www.strippokersupreme.com/dow...43-sabrina.vs4
As the "like" button doesn't work for me right now:
Thank you Rhodanaj for the new VS42avi.
Thank you Mike for the Sabrina link.
The cheat code for June is MTMNT.
New girl Minori announced. https://strippokerhd.com/eng/girl/43...?selection=new
Japanese sounding name but not particularly Asian looking. lol
Looks like another girl with a see-through-ish outfit.
I found her on thenude.com as Chica Minori, even down to the right nostril piercing. (a name that rare is easier to find on that board). They say she's from Ukraine.