Thanks for that reupload. I wanted to let you know that after a lot of problems, I did finally manage to get a fully set-up version of Windows XP running as a VM in Parallels. I then got VSPSupreme going in the XP VM - and everything now works correctly, start to finish. So it does look like the problem is tied to the changes MS introduced after XP with the UAC and permissions, and how that interacts in a VM with the design of VSPSupreme. As a result, I think the conclusion is that anyone looking to run VSPS in a VM should start off with Windows XP unless they have a specific need (and even then, you could always have multiple VMs).
I also wanted to add a note here in support of what you've been saying about why guys should be buying this game and the data packs to go with it. If it isn't clear from the chaos I've posted above, I've gone through a lot of effort to be able to keep playing this game - even though with the video converter from Rhodanaj I could just watch the girls and skip the effort entirely. But the game is worth the effort - its a lot of fun, and the replay value for the money is remarkable. In fact, with what Rhodanaj had posted, guys here are in better shape than anyone to choose favorite girls to purchase & play against.