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Thread: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

  1. #221
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
    Rhodanaj is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    yes Hotfile is not onlne anymore... Here are the Rapidshare links:

    Poker HD:

  2. #222
    NafRekop is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Hi Rhodanaj:

    Many thanks to the cheat code generator.
    BTW, could you please post the Rapidshare links for AVI or VS4 files of the HD version? The Hotfile links are no there anymore



  3. #223
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    true, Hotfile is gone now
    here is the rapidshare link for the HD-girls:

  4. #224
    NafRekop is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Thanks Rhodanaj.

    BTW, I tried your vsp2move3. It worked great for vs4 files and some of the old vsp files, the program recognized it as AVI file instead of MPG. What logic that made you decide to use AVI instead of MPG? If I understand correctly from the thread discussion, you just XOR the bytes from VS4 to AVI?

    I have also a question regarding you cheat-code generator. Here is your quote from the thread sometimes ago:

    The supreme poker game does not use bot-files, but has the cheat-code very well hidden in the girls-file.
    The cheat-code is decoded with 4 bytes and is different for every girl. Only because the programmers of Torquemada got a little highbrow by this 4 byte code,
    i could make a program that can read the 'cheat-string' from every girl-file.
    They forgot that the text prior to the cheat-code always starts with '[ENG]'.
    So i only had to make a program that is searching for the beginning of the 'bot-part' of every girl-file,
    then go to the beginning of the text-part, take a look what code i need to get the text '[ENG' back,
    decode all the tekst following it, with this code, and then search for the beginning of the cheat-string ( it begins with a { and ends with a } )

    -- END QUOTE

    I have been wanting to write my own cheat code generator and you have done it.

    If you do not mind to share the logic, do you have to do something first to the VS4 file before you do the search for [ENG] string. I opened the VS4 file using HexEditor, but I could not find the [ENG]. I found the [ENG] string in .bot file for the Classic version. And I can easily find the cheat-string which is almost at the end of the file.

    Thank you again for the link for HD pack 1

  5. #225
    puzzlermc2 is offline Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    I have tried to download from the rapidshare link but nothing happens when I click on the download button. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know of a solution?

  6. #226
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    @NafRekop - i will answer you later
    @puzzlermc2 - i think you need the new version of firefox or google chrome for Rapidshare now
    i do not like it either, how Rapidshare works nowadays ....
    Hotfiles did work nice for me, but it is gone - when you know an other good hosting service, let me know

  7. #227
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    @NafRedkop - first answer:
    this is the way i am making a avi-file from the pokerfiles:
    first i let my program look to the extension, when it is 'vs4' then it is a 'AA'-encoded file, when it is 'vsp' then it is a 'C8' encoded file.
    then i read the first 2,000,000 byte of the pokerfile and search for the text 'VSP'. In the vs4-files and the vid-files this will be at the beginning of the file. In the vsp-file it can be after the bmp, bot and mcr part of the file. When the program found this text, it is almost sure this is a pokerfile.
    Next step is to decode this part of the file.
    Let me first give some info about encode and decode with XOR (exclusive or)
    we have two hexadecimal numbers a A (decimal 10) and a 6 (decimal also 6)
    in binair the A = 1010 the 6 is in binair 0110
    when i do a XOR on it i get 1100
    1010 - A
    0110 - 6 XOR
    XOR= 1 + 0 gives 1; 0 + 1 gives 1; 0 + 0 gives 0; 1 + 1 gives 0

    when i take this 1100 (hexadecimal C or decimal 12) and do again a XOR with the 6 i get the A back
    1100 - C
    0110 - 6 XOR
    So with XOR you can easy encode and decode a file with a secret number (here that number is 6)

    The first 500,000 bytes of the vsp-files are decoded with the byte C8
    and the first 1,499,999 bytes of the vs4-files are decoded with the byte AA
    From the position where i found the text 'VSP' i decode the file.
    Then i take a look at the position (decimal address) 112, 113 and 114 of the decoded file.
    When there is the text 'vsp' (or 'x i' for the HD-poker files) then it is a divx-avi-file, when not then it is a 'mpg' file. I noticed that this is not always true for the old vsp-files, i have to take a look at this to correct this.
    For the divx-avi files i have to change the first 3 bytes into the text 'RIF' and the video-codecs at adress 112 and 188 into 'xvid' and XVID'.
    For the mpg-files i have to change the first 3 bytes into 00 00 01
    You can always see how the decoded file looks like when you are playing it. Just open the file of the model, you are playing the game with, in a hex-editor program and you see the decoded file (vid-file for the classic game, vs4-file for the supreme and HD game). When you copy this file and change the extension into 'avi' or 'mpg' you can play this file as a movie too.
    Last edited by Rhodanaj; 01-04-2014 at 06:39 AM.

  8. #228
    NafRekop is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Hi Rhodanaj,

    Thank you for sharing.

    So, do you have to do the same XOR decode to the VS4, before you search for the "Cheat String" in your Cheat-Code Generator. You can pm me.

    Thanks again.

  9. #229
    sokar is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Hi, Rhodanaj, could you please send me the links for playing supreme's girls?
    Thank you so much!

  10. #230
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    @NafRekop the answer on your second question
    when i was searching for the cheatcodes in the supreme files i was also surprised that i could not find the text of the bot-file. But i found a text-like part at the end of the vs4 file.
    For April it started like this:
    "SN......@.....?._ENCY..Etrih..24$yeevs khd..Phe$"
    24 could be the age, and when i replace Etrih with April, i got the XOR code: 04 04 00 00.
    When i replace the text that is in front of Etrih also with this code, i got at the beginning indeed [ENG] so the XOR code for April is 04 00 00 04.
    I notice that all text parts started with SN with a zero byte in front and after it. So i made a program that was searching in the last part of the file for 00 S N 00 then skip 16 bytes from SN to what is the beginning of the encoded [ENG
    I turned the 4 bytes there back to [ENG and i got the secret code . Just like that.
    When the programmers of Torquemada would had encoded everything with something else then a byte that starts with a zero, it would be much more difficult to find the beginning of the text. But not only that, they sometimes use also a dubble zero in the code: so no encoding at all for that letter.
    When you decode now the remaining of the file you can find very easy the '{' and the cheat-code.
    You can find how the cheat code is working at the site:
    Last edited by Rhodanaj; 01-04-2014 at 12:32 PM.

  11. #231
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Here is a simple program to get the XOR code, the cheat string and the cheat code of the day:
    it is a program without grafics, so you can first try the exe- file, when it does not work you have to instal the program with the rar file.
    It also works to get the cheat-code from the HD girls, but the HD program does not accept cheats at the moment.

    to get the cheat code from the cheat string you can use a command like this:
    cheat_code = Mid(cheat_string, month, 2) & Mid(cheat_string, 32 - day, 1)
    for a cheat string of 'qgysomkchuiblplhkzrtwehkopggxvt' for April you will get for today ( january 4 th) the code qgg

    This code is only for using cheats in the game, it is NOT an activation code. You still have to buy the game so you can use it, or you can use it on the demo games.
    Last edited by Rhodanaj; 01-04-2014 at 01:57 PM.

  12. #232
    Exoltes is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Is there any crack for the HD version yet?

    Btw 'Rhodanaj' if you have some spare time, I would be grateful if you could fix me up with the supreme girls I've been looking at this forum already a couple times and did not want to bother you with it but I can't seem to find them anywhere :s

    Thanks in advance.

  13. #233
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Yes someone, who made a new crack for the classic poker and finaly also made a crack for the supreme poker game, claims he (she?) has made a crack for the HD version as well, but is so decent to wait a while so Torquemada first can make some profit from this new game

    But for this 5.20 euro per girl for the supreme poker, the 5 euro per girl for the HD poker, and the HOURS of fun you will have with it, why would you not just buy the game ......?

    This topic is only for the cheats for the Supreme poker game. This cheats (except for the extra girls) you can get, for free, from Torquemada too.

  14. #234
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    For everyone who can not get enough of the Santa girl 2013, here is a link for more info about Mia Sollis:

    347xiyr.jpg 52c3mb.jpg ev2v0x.jpg rwjivt.jpg 243q994.jpg
    Mia Sollis Info Real Name Lucie P Bio Lucie P biography Star Profile Timeline Biography History

    She is an actress from Praha Czech Republic, 23 years old, born on October 20, 1990.
    Last edited by Rhodanaj; 01-07-2014 at 11:39 AM.

  15. #235
    gy.ci is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Hi, please send pm to me for using all supreme girls thank you

  16. #236
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Here is a rapidshare link for all the supreme girls, but you still have to buy the game to play it ....
    You can taste a little how the game will be, by watching the video..., still it is much more fun to play the game


  17. #237
    StripGameFan is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Hi - I actually joined the forum so I could post a message in this thread! I've had this game (VSP Supreme) for years, and now have a problem and am hoping that someone (possibly Rhodanaj) might have some insight. I've just started using his data-to-video converter, and it works like a champ.

    This is a little convoluted, so I apologize in advance. For many years, I had a PC running Windows (XP, then Vista), and the game worked just fine. I recently got a MacBookPro (which is replacing my PC) and started running Windows 7 in a virtual machine within Parallels. I actually emailed Torquemada Games in advance to see if this was a problem, and they said they had other users doing this (using VMs) without problems. So I expected to be able to run VSPS in the virtual Win7.

    But - no matter what I do, there is a end-of-game bug that keeps appearing that I think has to do with permissions. When things are working correctly, you play the girl to zero dollars and win and the game goes to a final video, you get control over the video 'player' to play the (normally) five clips as many times as you want. When you leave that girl and go back to the selection screen, you get a 'heart' that allows you to skip forward further in the game the next time you play her - starting further forward with her wearing less.

    What is happening on my MBP in the Win7 VM when I beat any girl is that the game gets 'stuck' on the game controls for the final hand and never switches to the video player controls. The video plays in the window, but the buttons for Play/Pause, etc. never come up. As a result, I have to go to Task Manger and kill the app to get out. Then, when I go back into VSPS and look, the 'heart' for winning is never awarded.

    I've tried running the app as Administrator, but it made no difference. I went in and manipulated the permissions of the files, and it made no difference. I uninstalled the app from the Program Files (x86) directory, and installed it into the Users directory (thinking it would allow the app to have more rights) - it did allow the app to self-create the 'Data' files which were missing, but the end-of-game bug persisted. I even imported the entire directory from my old PC, with an insanely old version of the app (I think ver. 1.12) but that I know worked correctly - and once on the VM, it too had the end-of-game bug.

    I think there is something going on specific to this Virtual Machine setup that is not allowing the VSPS app to write to *wherever* the data is needing to be updated to properly record a 'win', and this is causing the game to get stuck. I've been sending detailed emails to Torquemada Games, but I'm getting zero feedback. So if anyone has ideas about what might be causing this problem - specifically in a virtual machine setup - I'd appreciate the help.

  18. #238
    Rhodanaj's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    @stripgamefan - at first what i want to ask is, if it is a problem for you to install a windows XP as VM
    i can play vsps in virtual windows XP (VMware) without problems (but this VM is running in a normal windows XP)

    When it is a problem in the VM and not in the game, Torquemada can of course not help you.
    I had a video-problem with the classic version in my normal windows XP, but it was solved when i run the game in a VMware windows XP ( everytime when i won a piece of clothing, i did not get the strip-video )

  19. #239
    StripGameFan is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhodanaj View Post
    @stripgamefan - at first what i want to ask is, if it is a problem for you to install a windows XP as VM
    i can play vsps in virtual windows XP (VMware) without problems (but this VM is running in a normal windows XP)
    I had been thinking about trying to set up an XP VM - I know I have an old XP disc around with Serial #, but it will take a while to locate (complete disorganization has its drawbacks). I guess I'll try that next. Thanks.

    PS: do you know of any locations to download the Classic data files? I used to have the Classic game, but some time back I let it fall off of my PC in favor of Supreme, so I lost all of my data files, Now that I can convert them to videos, I'd like to see them again if possible - might entice me to go back and buy the Gold packages.

  20. #240
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    Default Re: PC Video Strip Poker Supreme cheats codes hacks

    I had all classic data at Hotfile.com, but Hotfile is gone now
    I will upload them again to Rapidshare



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