Conversation Between LindasFinds and Treasures and Finds

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm sorry to hear that! I'll add your site to my favorites; I was very pleased with the book and leant it to both sisters Please keep checking back with the forums; I had to report a spammer and the mod took care of it within minutes and seems to be more active in the forums now too.
  2. Hey Elaine,

    I did move my items. I'm not finished setting up shop but you can find me at lindasfindsanddesigns in the future and the books will be better priced and stay up until bought.

    Going to go ahead with the announcement here even though everything isn't listed yet.

    Miss webstore but it really isn't about concrete or the others it is more about the lack of support from staff there that made my decision.
  3. Hey, Linda! Heard a rumor you are leaving or have left webstore? I hope that's not true. We need your well-reasoned and level headed help! Don't let people like Concrete get to you. Especially since he is (I think) ticked off by BoxLot, not you. Where will I buy great books if you leave! (Cry).
    Chaina Elaine Treasures and Finds.
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