If I dont have any creatures out, can I put 2 emperor crocodile's into play at the same time without them dying?
If I dont have any creatures out, can I put 2 emperor crocodile's into play at the same time without them dying?
Last edited by hotsoss834; 01-05-2010 at 11:15 AM.
Yeah why not...you could have four of them out...the ability text only states that you must sacrifice it if you don't have any other creatures out...so, if you have four of them out and three of the Emperor Crocodiles die then the fourth one would have to go too...
Just think of the Three Musketeers haha..."All for one!"
No you can't. When the first resolves it will enter play see that there are no other creatures in play and put it's sacrifice trigger on the stack. until the stack is empty (and the croc is sacrificed) you won't be able to even play the second one.
Even if you could play them as an instant and respond to the first one's trigger by playing the second, once the stack resolved and the first one died the second would then trigger and die too.
what about tooth and nail for 2 crocs ? that should work right ? its way past my bedtime here so i cant think quite clearly right now so plz twanos/arix confirm ?
Yeah, if you manage to put two Crocs into play at the exact same time, then they'd both survive. You can't play them normally and have them survive, though.
Fluttershy is best pony.
Good question. Might I suggest adding Dryad Arbor to the deck?
Yes, that would work.
Fluttershy is best pony.