If I have a 2/2 creature with double strike thats attacking another player and the creature goes unblocked, does the other player take 4 damage or 2 damage?
If I have a 2/2 creature with double strike thats attacking another player and the creature goes unblocked, does the other player take 4 damage or 2 damage?
double strike deals damage twice whether blocked or unblocked. Other player will take 4 damage
Just to exapand/clarify on this. If you have, for example, a 2/2 double striker which is blocked by a regular 2/2, the 2 first strike damage will kill the 2/2 blocker. But when it comes time for normal damage to be dealt, the double striker won't deal damage again, since it's still blocked, but there's nothing there to take the damage. Just think of it as the double striker swinging angrily at the air where its blocker used to be.double strike deals damage twice whether blocked or unblocked.
Fluttershy is best pony.
The only one that comes immediately to mind is Dragon Tyrant.
Fluttershy is best pony.
The 6 first strike damage from the Tyrant kills its blocker (assuming no interfering abilities), then when it comes to normal damage time, the Tyrant's a 6/6 creature with trample and nothing blocking it, so the 6 normal damage goes through.
Fluttershy is best pony.