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  1. #1
    Buddy's Avatar
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    Default two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    if there are 2 Platinum Angel in play what happens? Does game end in a draw?

  2. #2
    Kappu1's Avatar
    Kappu1 is offline Scarce
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    Why would it end in a draw? There are cards that can destroy Platinum Angel.

  3. #3
    Buddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    I mean I control one of the platinum angels and other player controls second platinum angel

  4. #4
    Kappu1's Avatar
    Kappu1 is offline Scarce
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    Yah, but you can still destroy the card so why would it end in a draw? If you overwhelmed (sp?) your opponent and forced him to block with the creature and kill it then they card dosn't help.

    No reason to draw when you can get rid of the card.

  5. #5
    Buddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    what happens if we cant get rid of each other's platinum angel and we both run out of library, for example?

  6. #6
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    theoreticly the game could go on infinitaly but it would be rather boring (unless there is a ruleing on that that i dont know). in a tournament you could conside or let the time run out ... either way the game will end at some point ... a judge could rule that you should draw i guess if neither has any chance of achiveing a win though ...

  7. #7
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    Since continuing the game is completely fruitless, call it a draw and shuffle up for the next game.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  8. #8
    Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    unless both players are real stubborn and it turns into a game of who has the stronger will

  9. #9
    Alterloth is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    Yeah personally I wouldn't end that...wait it out and see if somebody can do something...but if it goes on for too long then yeah, fold...

  10. #10
    Arix's Avatar
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    Default Re: two platinum angel in play what happens magic rulings faq

    Oh no, if there's a possibility that someone can do something to break the stalemate, then by all means play it out. But if it's clear that no one can do anything and that the game will have no conclusion, continuin to play fruitlessly could get you both in trouble.
    Fluttershy is best pony.



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