can a creature with mana ability be tapped before producing the mana?
can a creature with mana ability be tapped before producing the mana?
What exactly do you mean?
Fluttershy is best pony.
Now, I think hideseek is asking: "If a creature activate its mana ability, can you tap it before it produces the mana?"
If so, the answer is no, for a few reasons:
1. Mana abilities don't use the stack. As such, it resolves immediately after it has been activated. You can't respond to something that doesn't use the stack, for obvious reasons, as "responding" to something means you intend to have your action resolve first. That can never happen with mana abilities, because they don't use the stack.
2. Even if mana abilities did use the stack (remember, they do not), you can't respond to costs being paid. So, even if you could respond to a mana ability that was on the stack (entirely a hypothetical situation), it wouldn't matter because the cost has already been paid and the creature has been tapped.
3. Now, you could try using something like Gideon's Lawkeeper to try tapping their creature. However, that ability does nothing whatsoever to stop your opponent from simply activating their creature's mana ability in response.
Just like all activated abilities that aren't mana abilities, Gideon's Lawkeeper's ability has to go on the stack before it can resolve. As I'm sure you're aware, this means it does NOTHING until it has resolved. The simple act of "trying to tap an opponent's creature" absolutely does not prevent your opponent from tapping their creature in any way.
Well...I'm not sure if any of the above is what you were asking, but if so, that should about cover it.