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  1. #1
    Tebi2 is offline Common
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    Jun 2012

    Default if a creature with mindcontrol dies who gets the creature in his graveyard?

    if a creature that has mind control on it dies, who's graveyard does it go to?

  2. #2
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: if a creature with mindcontrol dies who gets the creature in his graveyard?

    its owner's. A card can never go to any graveyard other than its owner's.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  3. #3
    Tebi2 is offline Common
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    Jun 2012

    Default Re: if a creature with mindcontrol dies who gets the creature in his graveyard?

    is it the same for exile?

    and how about if the creature has to return to library or hand?

  4. #4
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: if a creature with mindcontrol dies who gets the creature in his graveyard?

    Same for library or hand. Exile, however, is just one zone shared by all players, you don't have separate exile zones.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  5. #5
    Mana's Avatar
    Mana is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: if a creature with mindcontrol dies who gets the creature in his graveyard?

    I think cards that return to hand and library always explicitly specify "owner's hand" or "owner's library" (I could be wrong though)



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