I know that if a darksteel gargoyle (3/3 indestuctible) gets blocked by a Inescapable Brute(3/3 with wither) , the gargoyle dies because wither damage has reduced his toughness to 0 and it is not a destroy effect.
and I know that if I block the darksteel gargoyle with a Bog Wraith it lives because undestructible protects from dieing from lethal damage.
But what happens if darksteel gargoyle is blocked by a Juvenile Gloomwidow (1/1 with wither) and a Borderland Ranger (2/2)
because now we have a combination of wither and lethal damage. Does the Darksteel gargoyle live or die?
Edit: Lets ignore the fact that the gargoyle has flying lets say it lost flying