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  1. #1
    Brad's Avatar
    Brad is offline Uncommon
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    Default multiple pariahs magic rulings

    if i have more then 1 pariah in play how does it work when i take damage?

  2. #2
    Urza's Avatar
    Urza is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: multiple pariahs magic rulings

    if you have more than 1 pariah, You choose which pariah creature to redirect the damage to

  3. #3
    Brad's Avatar
    Brad is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: multiple pariahs magic rulings

    can I split the damage? Like lets say I have 2 creatures with pariah and I take 5 dmg, can i redirect 3 damage to creature A with Pariah and 2 damage to creature B with Pariah or do I have to assign all dmg to one of those creatures?

  4. #4
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: multiple pariahs magic rulings

    All the damage has to go to one of the creatures. Here's an in-depth look at what happens:

    Pariah creates a replacement effect (that is, it replaces one event (you taking damage) with another (the creature taking that damage). When you have two or more replacement effects trying to replace the same event, the affected player or controller of the affected object choose which order they apply in. If you're taking 5 damage, both Pariahs try to replace it. If you choose to apply Pariah A first, the 5 damage will be dealt to that creature. Then Pariah B tries to take effect, but since the event it was trying to replace (you taking damage) is no longer happening, Pariah B does nothing. The same would happen if you apply Pariah B first (in which case, the damage goes to that creature, then Pariah A's effect does nothing).
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