Grandmother Sengir is used on Spiny Starfish Says it has -1 -1 till end of turn, so do i regen and the effect of Grandmother goes away or do i keep regening till the end of the persons turn to gain Token creatures or i run out of mana??
Grandmother Sengir is used on Spiny Starfish Says it has -1 -1 till end of turn, so do i regen and the effect of Grandmother goes away or do i keep regening till the end of the persons turn to gain Token creatures or i run out of mana??
Once Granny targeted your Starfish it was dealt leathal damage and the effect resolved. Then you regenerated it all the counters where removed and you got your token. The counters don't stay once you regenerate the creature.
Pretty basic I think.
If I got it wrong Arix or Seba will correct me :P
Yeah, you're wrong there. -1/-1 doesn't count as damage. When the ability resolves, the Starfish's toughness would be reduced to 0. This can't be regenerated from - the Starfish is doomed.
Coincidentally, that phrase is awesome and one I must use more often.
Fluttershy is best pony.
So you can only regenerate if it is from lethal damage and not -X counters then correct?
Always learning something I love it.
You can only regenerate in one of two situations - lethal damage, or an effect that specifically uses the word "destroy" (but, obviously, doesn't include the "it can't be regenerated" clause). Anything else - -X/-X, sacrifice, etc - can't be regenerated from.
Fluttershy is best pony.
if you give it a +1/+1 will it cancel the -1/-1 or does it still die?
If you give it +1/+1 it'll become a 1/2. Then giving it -1/-1 makes it a 0/1 again. Since it still has 1 toughness, it survives.
Fluttershy is best pony.
but what if the -1/-1 is given first before the +1/+1?
Then you have started "the stack" in which the spell on top resolves first meaning it will get the +1/+1 before the -1/-1 resolves.
If you let the -1/-1 resolve before giving it +1/+1, it'll die before it gets the +1/+1.
Fluttershy is best pony.
so whens the last chace i can play the +1/+1 before it dies?
Well you and the other player pass priority once you both can't add or choose not to add anything else to "the stack" then you have the pass pass and the spells resolve.
When your opponent passes priority to you after activating Grandmother Sengir.
Fluttershy is best pony.