how many cards can you have in your hand at once max in magic?
how many cards can you have in your hand at once max in magic?
Maximum is seven, if you are forced to draw by the other player you hold all cards until it's your turn then you go through your turn and when your turn ends you discard back to seven cards.
Opponents turn he makes you draw 2 cards you have 9 (assuming you have 7) keep the cards and let him complete his turn.
Your turn untap, draw and play ect..... your turn ends discard to 7 cards.
This actually gives you an advantage sometimes if you can play down to less cards and don't have to discard and you have more ammo during his turn!
correct. you can hold any numer of cards at any time that is not your endphase (the cleanup step more precicely if im not mistaken, too lazy to check right now so plz someone confirm or correct).
at the end of your own turn you have to discard down to 7 cards if your holding more than 7.