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  1. #1
    Ninja's Avatar
    Ninja is offline Uncommon
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    Default already enchanted card with shroud magic

    What happens to ALREADY enchanted card that gets shroud in magic?

  2. #2
    Twanos's Avatar
    Twanos is offline Master Mason
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    Green Bay, WI

    Default Re: already enchanted card with shroud magic

    It gains shroud. Putting the enchantment on targets, but once it's on it is not targeting the creature anymore so shroud won't effect it.

  3. #3
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: already enchanted card with shroud magic

    Putting the enchantment on targets
    Just to expand on this a little, it only targets when you actually cast the enchantment as a spell. If the enchantment is coming into play without you actually playing it (with, for example, Retether, or Sovereigns of Lost Alara), it doesn't target and can go on something with shroud.
    Fluttershy is best pony.



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