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  1. #1
    riolu's Avatar
    riolu is offline Uncommon
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    Default gain control of target permanent mtg rule

    What is the rule for gain control of target permanent?

  2. #2
    Lordmattu is offline Very Common
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    Default Re: gain control of target permanent mtg rule

    10/4/2004: You take control of a creature, but Auras enchanting and Equipment attached to the creature do not change controller.

    So you get the Creature it has summoning sickness and all equiptments AND "Auras!?" stay attached to the Creature AS LONG as the Player who controll these Permanents attach them differently.

  3. #3
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: gain control of target permanent mtg rule

    a state he can usualy not change for the aura cards but easiely for the equipment cards by paying thier equipcost and moveing them to antoher creature he controls.

  4. #4
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: gain control of target permanent mtg rule

    Another part of this that trips some players up is that the creature (or other permanent) never leaves play or comes into play when it changes controllers. It stays in play, just...well, changes controllers. Therefore, no "comes-into-play" abilities trigger, and the permanent's status (tapped/untapped, face up/face down, flipped/unflipped) remains the same.
    Fluttershy is best pony.



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