does fork copy x value
does fork copy x value
DCI Ruling:
10/4/2004 Forking a spell with an X in the cost requires you to use the same X value.
It'll copy a card with X, you just need to be able to pay it for each.
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you dont pay for the second x. all it means is that i copys x but you can not alter x in any way on that copy. it will be exactly the value x had on the spell you copied. if you cast a banefire with x = 6 and then fork it you get a copy of banefire wich also has x = 6. x on the copy can not be increased by e.g. spending more mana etc.
Remember, when you make a copy with Fork, the copy is exactly like the original spell - same modes, same choices for X, same choice of whether or not it's kicked, even the same targets. The only reason you can choose new targets is because Fork specifically says you can.
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