If I play the card that has destroy all creatures and there are some creatures with protection from white are they also destroyed?
If I play the card that has destroy all creatures and there are some creatures with protection from white are they also destroyed?
yeah protection from white does not defend against a wrath of god (Thats the card I think you are referring to) since the wrath does not target. so a creature will still be killed by a destroy all creatures card even if it has protection from that color.
yep protection does not mean "ignor all effects of that color".
protection has 3 clearly defined things it does:
1. spells or abilitys of a soucres of whatever you have protection from can not target you (usualy "you will be the creature that has protection. in some cases it is possible for a player to have protection from something too however).
2. damage of a source of whatever you have protection from is prevented ... and
3. creatures of the kind you have protection from can not block you (this only applies to creatures)
or it could be Day of Judgment