i find myselfe repeating myelf over and over when answering questions so i thought it would be about time to post a series of links that provide the basics, such as slang, cardsearch rules etc. these links are just first pointers and the rules are quite difficult to understand even with the rulebook in hand. this is not suposed to stop you from asking any questions but to give you tools to find the answer yourself quicker than we can reply. also this is to help you understand the answer. from now on i will be using magic termini in my answers and if you dont understand it look it up in the slang lexicon. also please do me a favour and learn how the gathere works. questions along the lines what kind of xxxxx cards are there make you look very lazy.
Magic Termini / Slang
Gatherer Quicksearch
Gatherer Advanced Search
Deck Archetyps
The Rules
Decks to beat in tournaments
that all for now more will surely be added in future.