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  1. #21
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Official Magic: The Gathering Rules **Please Sticky**

    jeah you can get the judge out of magic but you cant get magic out of the judge ^^

    once you've been down that road you pretty much sold your soul to the lord of the pit ...

    (in case there are some religous people reading this, this mearly refers to some paper cards with no real religious implications what so ever)

  2. #22
    Twanos's Avatar
    Twanos is offline Master Mason
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    Green Bay, WI

    Default Re: Official Magic: The Gathering Rules **Please Sticky**

    my plan is to get back into the game a little slowly. Just type 2 for a while. I'm planning to go to my first real event in 10 years next weekend for the pre-release. Then over the next few months I plan to create and hone a deck for regionals. As of now I'm planning to do a series of articles/threads as I make and tune the deck starting in November and going thru Feb. I'll be welcoming input along the way and hopefully we can inspire and educate some of the newer players as to how an old hack like me thinks thru card selections and tunes a deck getting ready for serious tourney play.

  3. #23
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Official Magic: The Gathering Rules **Please Sticky**

    sounds good. i've got a couple of people here for something like a think-thank and im sure we can find the deck to break the meta ^^

    im sure that the format has a good number of viable deck from the obvious mono red to more suptel stuff ...

    what style of play do you prefer ? im mostly the control player. decks like draw-go, prisonlock etc. that what i like playing most

  4. #24
    angelababy is offline Common
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    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Official Magic: The Gathering Rules **Please Sticky**

    Thanks, the link I have now put on the top post has the most recent rules pdf..

  5. #25
    Twanos's Avatar
    Twanos is offline Master Mason
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    Green Bay, WI

    Default Re: Official Magic: The Gathering Rules **Please Sticky**

    Top post pdf link now up to date



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