flavor texts are just a swaste of time and ink lol
flavor texts are just a swaste of time and ink lol
I know many people who would say you're a waste of skin and air for saying that.
lol nope the more flavor text a card has the less room it had for abilities...thats why the BEST cards have no flavor text
Flavour text never takes the space of abilities. Troll harder.
Why don't we look at the two most powerful, expensive cards in Modern Masters - Tarmogoyf and Dark Confidant. What do you know, both of them have flavour text! Funny how that works out.
Also, I now feel obligated to post this:
Fluttershy is best pony.
I think what he meant to say is that if there was no flavor text there would be more room for more powers and stuff?
1. No, there wouldn't. That's not how Magic card creation works.
2.More abilities =/= better card.
Fluttershy is best pony.
What Arix said. I really do think he's a troll, nobody is that dumb.
1. That card is kinda awesome XD
2. pwned by a moderator... that's like the rarely heard, but much feared grandma burn (70's show ftw)
"not to be. That's the answer." - unsummon
Is anyone still on this thread? O.o
"You're in for one nasty butt kickin'!" - Double Cross
my personal favorite would probably be
city of ass