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  1. #1
    Taintedsoulz is offline Very Common
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    Jun 2014

    Dice Enchamentments Summon Sickness Ability Use - So confused

    So if I play a Whip of Erebos can I use its ability to bring a creature out of the graveyard on the same turn? I have looked extensively in the rules and online and found only one posting which said you can use the ability the same turn it came to the field. Anyone?

  2. #2
    Twanos's Avatar
    Twanos is offline Master Mason
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    Aug 2009
    Green Bay, WI

    Default Re: Enchamentments Summon Sickness Ability Use - So confused

    Only creatures (unless they have or are given haste) are affected by summoning sickness. You can always use abilities of artifacts or enchantments right away unless the card says otherwise.
    Past Master, Theodore Roosevelt #322 Green Bay, WI
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