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  1. #1
    DuelTides is offline Very Common
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    Oct 2009

    Default Artifact question ?

    Is there any good artifact deck besides Affinty Artifact?

    Any combinations with other colours is also good, i might wanna make a artifact deck, but affinity is so overdone already so i dont want that

  2. #2
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Artifact question ?

    red and blue both have great cards for artifact manipulation. cards like Tinker or Goblin Welder. there is no artifact deck in standard and the closest thing in extended would be the "tezzeraitor" but i don't know if that deck is still playable. in legacy you have "stax" that can be played with red, blue or white and you have "MUD" due to the unbanning of Metalworker. There also is "welder survival" but that has fallen out of favour like the red "stax" version. in vintage most decks feature a heavy proportion of artifacts. "MUD", "stax" and "tezzerat" leading the artifact count here.

    there are also several historical artifact based decks such as "KCI", "Wildfire" (the 1999 world championship deck), the "academy deck" or the 2000 world championship winning deck "tinker"

    non of the abouve decks are good for casual. both from a power lvl and a price tag view point.

    i've your looking for a casual artifact deck then you can play just about anything. Winter Orb + Icy Manipulator are a nice base for a mana denial strategy and the two playsets toghether should cost you no more than 6-7$. Grindstone has skyrocketed in the wake of Painter's Servant. whilst also being more of a tournament deck, the fact that even with your combo in play you can only kill one person at a time makes it ok for multipayer casual. if you want to go a little more agro try some esper flyer deck with Esperzoa, Parasitic Strix, Faerie Mechanist etc. and a couple of big sphinxes just for the fun of it. or you could try to build a deck arround Master Transmuter using stuff like Darksteel Colossus, Inkwell Leviathan and Magister Sphinx.

    the thing about artifacts is they can go into virtualy any deck due to then needing only colorless mana (epser cards not included). so your casual options are virualy limiteless.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Artifact question ?

    Quote Originally Posted by DuelTides View Post
    Is there any good artifact deck besides Affinty Artifact?

    Any combinations with other colours is also good, i might wanna make a artifact deck, but affinity is so overdone already so i dont want that
    with the new artifacts from the alara block, you have a large amount of possibilities.



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