What are some good vampire hexmage combos?
I know of vampire hexmage/dark depths
any others?
What are some good vampire hexmage combos?
I know of vampire hexmage/dark depths
any others?
that's the competative one people have come up with.
some more casual ones i can think of would be resteing something with cumilative upkeep or reseting the counters on a Decree of Silence. throw in something like Ovewrsold Cemetary and your opponent needs to play more than 4 spells in a single turn to break your lock (or more than 4 spells e.o.t. on your turn + on his turn).
Ethced Monstrosity, Lost Auramancers, Phyrexian Etchings, are all good if you want to draw more cards. That makes Dark Depths come out faster and reducing the need for Tutors.
Also, Hexmage/Etched Monstrosity? Not really a combo, at least not if you want to draw some cards.
Fluttershy is best pony.
Unfortunately, I can not help you! I'm not good at this. Sorry!((