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  1. #1
    Nidorino is offline Uncommon
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Don't understand the point of cancel when theres counterspell

    Was loolking at these 2 cards:


    They both do EXACTLY the same (Counter Target Spell) only that Cancel costs 1 more mana. So why would anyone choose to use cancel if he can just use counterspell?

  2. #2
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Don't understand the point of cancel when theres counterspell

    because there are diffrent formats in magic where only certain editions are allowed. Standard, Block, Extended all dont use sets that have counterspell in them so you cant play it. in casual games (or legacy / vintage) your absolutely right there is no reason to play cancel because even when you want to play more than 4 spells that can counter there are still lots that are much, much better than cancle.



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