what is the best sacrifice creature in magic
what is the best sacrifice creature in magic
I think it used to be mogg fanatic since you could sacrifice it during combat and it would deal both combat damage and ability damage but now they changed it with M10 so that if you sac it it doesnt deal the combat damage...still a pretty good sac creature
it depends on what you need it for ... a card that most people would think is crap like Children of Korlis are sometimes played in vintage because the can win you games against tendrils. Sakura-Tribe Elder has seen a lot of tournament play and probably still will.
I think now with Zendikar it is Vampire Hexmage because it can remove counters from creatures and cards like dark depths and it can kill planeswalkers and it is pretty cheap
in extendet yes. even though Martyr of Sands is very good also as is Drowned Rusalka
in standard kind of because of plainswalkers.
in all other formats no its just not that good. dark depth combo could be built in legacy but i dont think it would be realy good. same goes for vintage.