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  1. #1
    tate's Avatar
    tate is offline Scarce
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    Default rules magic the gathering running out of cards in hand

    what are the rules for when you are about to run out of cards in your hand?

  2. #2
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: rules magic the gathering running out of cards in hand

    There are none. You just continue playing as normal, drawing a card during your draw step.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  3. #3
    Raven-hawk is offline Common
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    Default Re: rules magic the gathering running out of cards in hand

    You play normally drawing card's as your draw step.
    Last edited by jared; 01-10-2010 at 10:26 AM. Reason: Link has to be moved to signature

  4. #4
    Lightning1714's Avatar
    Lightning1714 is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: rules magic the gathering running out of cards in hand

    You can have 0 card in your hand, but i think theres a limit of cards that can be in your hand. I think its 8. But when you deck out, meaning when you run out of cards in your deck, you lose the duel.

  5. #5
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: rules magic the gathering running out of cards in hand

    yes, no and no. the is a maximum handsize. its 7 not 8. also its only checked at the end of your own turn. at all other times you can have any number of ccards in your hand.

    you dont loose when you have no cards in your library. you losse when you have no cards in your library and would have to draw a card.

  6. #6
    Lightning1714's Avatar
    Lightning1714 is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: rules magic the gathering running out of cards in hand

    Quote Originally Posted by seba1983 View Post
    yes, no and no. the is a maximum handsize. its 7 not 8. also its only checked at the end of your own turn. at all other times you can have any number of ccards in your hand.

    you dont loose when you have no cards in your library. you losse when you have no cards in your library and would have to draw a card.
    Ahh, thanks for clearing that up. My friend told me that it was 8, but apprently he's wrong lol.

  7. #7
    guyarney is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: rules magic the gathering running out of cards in hand

    Quote Originally Posted by tate View Post
    what are the rules for when you are about to run out of cards in your hand?
    I'm guessing you like having cards in your hand... welcome to the club.

    Here's a link to all the cards with the word "draw" in the rules text. If you want to keep your hand full, get to know them.

    It's also a good idea to learn how to pace your game - either proactively or retroactively, I'm guessing you're the proactive type so get some cantrips in your deck or learn to exploit having no cards in hand with stuff like Hellbent, Cursed Scroll, and other cards that you benefit from having no cards in hand.



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