if blocking creature is tapped does it deal damage
if blocking creature is tapped does it deal damage
Fluttershy is best pony.
I'd just like to add since the question isn't fully explained that:
A tapped creature can't block.
If it is declared as a blocker and then tapped with something like Blinding Mage then it still can block and deal damange.
There are creature cards out there that state that whenever this creature becomes tapped, it deals damage blah blah blah...other than that I don't know...
@Kappu1: If you are attacking and then you tap your opponents only blocking creature on the stack with something like Blinding Mage then no, it doesn't do damage because it was tapped before its controller declared it as a blocker and therefore cannot do damage...
@ Alter read what I said because you just manipulated my post to say what you wanted it to.......
Because what I said was
If it is declared as a blocker and then tapped with something like Blinding Mage then it still can block and deal damange.
It was already declared and blinding mage's ability will do nothing.......
"I'm going to attack you with _________ "
"I am going to block with my - "
"On the stack, I am going to tap it with my Blinding Mage"
All I said was this:
One of your creatures attacks on the battlefield and it is coming towards one of your opponents creatures. The Blinding Mage would come up behind the creature that you control and screw up the opponents creature before it even tries to do anything.
I did not manipulate your words. I used my own.
Once the person has declared his blockers the guy can blinding mage all he wants and it won't matter the blocker was already declared before he gained priority again to tap the creature hence the creature may get tapped fine but it will still block and deal damage.
The only way blinding mage will help is if the guy uses the blinding mage prior to declaring attackers (while he still has priority).
Once he passes to the declare blockers step (he has passed priority) it won't matter if he wanted to tap it or not nor if he does once priority is passed back to him.
I think you should Search the priority post I made when I first started playing and read it
And declaring blockers dosn't use the stack either........
I didn't say that declaring blockers uses the stack...I said that Blinding Mage uses the stack...and I didn't say anything about the person declaring the blockers before using Blinding Mage...dude, read my posts a little better before you respond to them!
Okay going to simplify this for you:
Once a blocker is declared and the attacking opponent gets priority back if he uses Blinding Mage it won't affect the blocking creature even if it taps it. The creature will still block and deal damage and you will have just used the ability for nothing.
I think you are under the impression as soon as the guy says I'm blocking you can say NO NO NO or MY TURN MY TURN I'm using Blinding Mage on you now.... which isn't the case.
Also here is a link you should read on Priority and how it works.
Question about Priority
So I would just attack with my creature and then use my Blinding Mage (or any other creature that taps creatures because there are a lot of them) to tap his creature (that is, if he only has one out...or I can just tap all his creatures before I attack and then attack him)...then he has no creatures to block with because I tapped them all...and I'm not saying MY TURN MY TURN...I've been playing MTG for a long time and know better...I was just saying that before that creature even thinks about attacking, I can tap it with the Blinding Mage
Okay I read your post before I responded now I will tear it apart word for word from your post:
"I'm going to attack you with _________ " (attacker)
"I am going to block with my - "(blocker)
"On the stack, I am going to tap it with my Blinding Mage" (This dosn't matter he already declard blockers from your initial break down)
All I said was this:
One of your creatures attacks on the battlefield and it is coming towards one of your opponents creatures (You can't attack an opponents creatures just the opponent). The Blinding Mage would come up behind the creature that you control and screw up the opponents creature before it even tries to do anything.
I did not manipulate your words. I used my own.
So I would just attack with my creature and then use my Blinding Mage (This isn't what you said before in your post) (or any other creature that taps creatures because there are a lot of them) to tap his creature (that is, if he only has one out...or I can just tap all his creatures before I attack and then attack him)...then he has no creatures to block with because I tapped them all...and I'm not saying MY TURN MY TURN...I've been playing MTG for a long time and know better...I was just saying that before that creature even thinks about attacking (I think you mean blocking here since that is what the post was about), I can tap it with the Blinding Mage (And you would only be able to do this once you had priority to do so....)
I disagree...you can interrupt your opponents blocking phase with the stack...that explanation about priority did not help your case...you took what I said and twisted it...just like how you thought I did with your words...
One of your creatures [meaning, one of MINE] attacks on the battlefield and it is coming towards one of your opponents creatures (You can't attack an opponents creatures just the opponent) ... and this was me talking about the initial combat phase...I never said that I was attacking an opponents creatures...I don't know where you're getting that from...I was speaking from the perspective of imagining this all in my head...just like on WOW...imagining an actual battlefield...
I was only initially speaking right from the get go the scenario of my opponent going ahead and trying to block with a creature...the blocking phase was already set up...I never said anything about trying to go JUST after the creature because I know that's not how it works...
Once you have passed priority to your opponent and he is declaring blockers you can't interupt him and tell him that your going to use "the stack" to use Blinding Mages ability he hasn't done anything you can "respond to" yet.
I really wish Arix or Seba where on atm......
You need to be very precise on what your saying none of this imagining stuff in your head and putting it on the board cause it can get people confused about what your saying (we can't read your mind).
He did respond by telling me that he is going to block with a creature...therefore, I can use the stack...the last time I checked, my opponent declaring a block phase is a responsive action in Magic: The Gathering...none of this imagining stuff? Once again, you weren't reading my post! I was setting up the whole phase to try to let you get a picture of what I was trying to say...maybe I shouldn't have done that...I think you are the one who is confused...I was simply trying to set up the scenario...not IMAGINATION or MIND READING...and just because someone said something is true doesn't mean it is...you want to talk to me about priority? Show me the rules and not someone randomly posting something about it thank you...
I'm truly done arguing with you, because you have no sense of grammar which is why the stuff you posted makes no sense when you where "trying" to set up the combat phase it was a huge jumble of randomized thoughts.
When he is declaring blockers your not going to be using the stack because there is nothing on the stack for you to respond to.
And I do trust what people say especially one's that have been playing much longer than you and I have confirmed 100% of what they say at my local meta which also has a DCI Judge there.
Arix is a judge as well and Seba has more knowlege in his left thumb about this game then you which is odvious at this point, so I will trust them.
I've been playing MTG since Fallen Empires came out so don't give me that whole "I don't know how to play MTG" stuff.
Did you understand that sentence?
I have a degree in Professional Writing and therefore can write sentences perfectly. The former was a perfectly typed sentence.
Did you understand that sentence?
Maybe you can't understand what I am typing because you cannot understand the English language.
Thanks for insulting me, when all I was doing was pointing out that understanding your sentence was about impossible. If you have a degree in writing congratulations.
That still dosn't help with the fact that I couldn't even fathom what you where trying to type.
Question's been answered and nothing very productive is coming from this. I think it's about time to ker-lock this.
Fluttershy is best pony.