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  1. #1
    Inside is offline Common
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    Default mtg what is summoning sickness

    what is summoning sickness in magic?

  2. #2
    Kappu1's Avatar
    Kappu1 is offline Scarce
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    Default Re: mtg what is summoning sickness

    Summoning Sickness is what a creature has when it is cast onto the battlefield from a players hand which means that the creature can't attack that turn.

    Creatures that have Haste do not suffer from the effects of summoning sickness and can be attackers as soon as they are cast onto the battlefield.

    Summoning Sickness dosn't stop you from using an ability on a creature unless it requires you to (tap) the creature to use it.

    Summoning Sickness dosn't stop you from using the creature as a blocker.

  3. #3
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: mtg what is summoning sickness

    just a few minor correction bt on the whole correct.

    if a creature suffers from summoning sickness it can not use abilitys that have the tap (or untap) symbol as part of thier cost. you can tap a summoning sick wizard for Patron Wizard since it does not use the tap symbol but says tap an untaped creature.

    also a creature suffers summoning sickness if it was not under your control at the beginning of your turn. if you for instance gain control of a creature it will have summoning sickness until it was under your control at the beginning of one of your turns.



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