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Thread: Can a game end in a draw magic

  1. #1
    planeswalker is offline Common
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    Default Can a game end in a draw magic

    is it possible for mtg game to end in a draw (no one wins)?

  2. #2
    Kappu1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    I guess if you had equal life and someone played a card that said (do this and each player lose 2 life) if you both had two life I would assume you both die.

  3. #3
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    yes it can. here are some situations i can think off right now that end in a draw.

    all players loose at the same time.

    all players win at the same time (cant think of a way to achive that right now. if someone got one ready let me know)

    a loop is created (a series of actions at the end of wich the gamestate is exactly as it was at the beginning of the loop) that can not be stoped.

  4. #4
    Arix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    all players win at the same time (cant think of a way to achive that right now. if someone got one ready let me know)
    Can't think of a way in a regular game, but it's entirely possible in the star format. Brief rundown if you don't know - five players sit around a table, the object is to knock out the two players opposite you. Using the colour wheel as an example, let's say the white player knocks out the black player, then the blue knocks out the green. Now we just have white, blue, and red. If the red player loses, then both white and blue win at the same time, since they've both knocked out all their enemies.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  5. #5
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    yeah in that format it actualy happend quite frequently when we played it a lot arround mirrodin arround here.

  6. #6
    planeswalker is offline Common
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    How can you get into a loop

  7. #7
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    simplest loop ever imho:

    Faceless Butcher with no other creatures on the field.

    turn 1 swamp, dark ritual, lotus petal, butcher -> draw ... something you can try to build a deck arround just to irritate everyone and then never play again ^^

  8. #8
    Ninja's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    Quote Originally Posted by seba1983 View Post
    simplest loop ever imho:

    Faceless Butcher with no other creatures on the field.

    turn 1 swamp, dark ritual, lotus petal, butcher -> draw ... something you can try to build a deck arround just to irritate everyone and then never play again ^^
    How is this a loop? Dont get it

  9. #9
    Arix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    It's not. Butcher says that you need to remove another creature. Playing Butcher with no other creature in play does nothing.

    But then say you play a second Butcher. You have to remove the first, since there is no other ooption.

    Then you play a third. Again, with no other option, you have to remove the second. This causes the first to come back, which will then remove the third. Which causes the second to come back and remove the first. Since there's no way to break this loop, the game's a draw.
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  10. #10
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    ohh sry remberd the card incorrectly ...

    you should be able to do a loop with three oblivion rings if there are no other non-land permanents on the balltefield.

    ring 1 cant remove anything

    ring 2 removes ring 1

    ring 3 removes ring 2. ring 1 returns and has to remove ring 3. ring 2 retunrs and has to remove ring 1 ... and so on.

    edit: ahh you were faster ^^

  11. #11
    Ninja's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    But the card says "other than Faceless Butcher." so you cannot remove a faceless butcher with it so loop wont work even with more faceless butchers??

  12. #12
    Arix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    When a card refers to itself by name, it's just shorthand for "The object that this ability is written on". When Faceless Butcher uses its own name, it doesn't mean any Butcher, it eans "this particular Butcher".
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  13. #13
    Hacheam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    The game can also end in a draw if you use a card like curse of the bloody tome on all the players and when there are no cards left use temple bell to make eveybody draw a card. Seems like too much work and too pointless though.

  14. #14
    Jake1991's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    Quote Originally Posted by Hacheam View Post
    The game can also end in a draw if you use a card like curse of the bloody tome on all the players and when there are no cards left use temple bell to make eveybody draw a card. Seems like too much work and too pointless though.
    If it's too troublesome of a combo, then why necro a thread that's been dead for over two years to tell us?

  15. #15
    Hacheam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a game end in a draw magic

    cause I was bored and had nothing better to do.



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