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  1. #1
    howabout is offline Common
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    May 2009

    Default mtg block 1 creature with 2 creatures

    in mtg can u block one creature with two creatures

  2. #2
    Kappu1's Avatar
    Kappu1 is offline Scarce
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    Dec 2009

    Default Re: mtg block 1 creature with 2 creatures

    I don't know why you would want to block an attacker with 2 creatures since if you block with one even if the creature you block is 4/4 and if your 2/2 you still block all the damage from what I understand your creature just dies.

    With Trample I havn't had that situation so would be nice to have that explained.

  3. #3
    seba1983 Guest

    Default Re: mtg block 1 creature with 2 creatures

    first of yes you can.

    as to the why, a quick example.

    player A attacks with a 4/4.

    player B has two 2/2 creatures.

    player B can now block with only one creature. that 2/2 would die and the 4/4 live but player B would not be dealt any damage.

    alternatively player B could block with both 2/2's. in that case the 4/4 would kill both but since the damage blockers deal is added up they would also kill the 4/4.

    depending on the situation either choice or even not blocking at all can be right.



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