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  1. #1
    Torin's Avatar
    Torin is offline Scarce
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    Default does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    I am guessing since that it doesnt say what mana Evolving Wilds can produce then its one colorless?

  2. #2
    kip's Avatar
    kip is offline Scarce
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    if it doesnt say that it makes mana then it doesnt it only has that ability that lets you sacrifice it and fetch a land from your library

  3. #3
    Torin's Avatar
    Torin is offline Scarce
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    but I thought all lands are supposed to make mana.... isnt that like by definition

  4. #4
    Arix's Avatar
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    They don't need to make mana - they just need to help your mana production somehow, which Evolving Wilds does by fetching a land from your library into play.

    Besides which, that's a design rule, not a game rule.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  5. #5
    Torin's Avatar
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    then I done see why anyone would use it? I mean why cast a land that doesnt make mana only so you can sacrifice it and cast a land that does make mana? Why not just cast the normal land in the first place?

  6. #6
    Arix's Avatar
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    Because it gets you the colour you need, when you need it. What if you're running a white/blue/black deck and draw a hand with three Plains and four blue/black spells? You're rooted. But if you replace two of those plains with Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse/whatever, suddenly the hand looks a whole lot better.

    Also, minor nitpick but as a judge it's my duty to perform such things - lands are never cast.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  7. #7
    teletel's Avatar
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    just wait until you play a 2-3 colored deck and cannot cast any spells because you are stuck with too many lands of one color except the one you need most... then youll understand

  8. #8
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    Exactly. Never underestimate the power of easy colour fixing. That's why dual lands are often among the highest sought after cards in a set, and why the original dual lands (Bayou, Tropical Island and so on) hover around the $80 mark.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  9. #9
    kip's Avatar
    kip is offline Scarce
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    Yea lands are not cast, they are played

    Only spells are cast

    Lands are not spells

  10. #10
    Soddda is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    Are abilities cast?

  11. #11
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    Nope. As kip said, only spells are cast.

    Note, however, that some abilities get you to cast spells (like on Spellweaver Helix or Eye of the Storm).
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  12. #12
    Nik's Avatar
    Nik is offline Scarce
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    Default Re: does Evolving Wilds produce colorless mana? magic

    here is a chart



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