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  1. #1
    magicstudent is offline Uncommon
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    Default exiled creatures and trample rulings how much assign to player magic

    If my Demon of Death's Gate attacks and is blocked by a Indomitable Archangel and after attackers and blockers I declared I cast path to exile on the archangel, will I be able to assign 9 trample damage, or only 5?

  2. #2
    Tilo is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: exiled creatures and trample rulings how much assign to player magic

    I think not because I read somewhere that once blockers are declared they will always be blocked one moment I"ll fidn the place

  3. #3
    Tilo is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: exiled creatures and trample rulings how much assign to player magic

    magic the gathering rules can you path blocking creature to deal damage to oponent

    Quote Originally Posted by Kappu1 View Post
    Once a creature has been declared as a blocker even if you used Path on it the damage will still be blocked.

  4. #4
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: exiled creatures and trample rulings how much assign to player magic

    Trample changes that though, since a creature with trample can deal damage to the defending player even if it's blocked. In this case, since there's nothing blocking it when it's time for damage to be assigned and dealt, all 9 damage will go over to your opponent.
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  5. #5
    Tilo is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: exiled creatures and trample rulings how much assign to player magic

    ok but everywhere says creature is still considered block even if it blocker leaves so if thats the case why doesnt it deal 5 damage instead of 9 since its still considered blocked by the angel??

  6. #6
    Arix's Avatar
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    Default Re: exiled creatures and trample rulings how much assign to player magic

    Because it isn't blocked by the Angel. It's still considered blocked (so a Smite can destroy it), but there's nothing actually blocking it. You don't "lock in" the damage when it's blocked, rather the damage is calculated during the combat damage step. Since there's no blocker there during the combat step, there's nothing for the Demon to assign damage to, so it all goes through to the opponent.
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