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  1. #1
    kevin's Avatar
    kevin is offline Uncommon
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    Default wheel of fate is red? why does it has to say so?

    pulled a card called wheel of fate from time spiral, why does it say "wheel of fate" is red? I can see its red without saying? like on my Nantuko Shade it doesnt say that nantuko shade is black because it doesnt need to?

  2. #2
    riolu's Avatar
    riolu is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: wheel of fate is red? why does it has to say so?

    its because time spiral is a set with cards reprinted from older sets

    under the new rules a card's color is the color(s) that in its mana symbols in the mana cost so like if a card costs 2R to cast it will be red, and if a card costs RG to cast it will be green and red

  3. #3
    Arix's Avatar
    Arix is offline Merrymaker
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    Default Re: wheel of fate is red? why does it has to say so?

    Expanding on Riolu's answer - as he said, a card's colour is determined by its mana cost. However, Wheel of Fate doesn't have a mana cost. Without the "Wheel of Fate is red" text, it wouldn't be a red card.
    Fluttershy is best pony.

  4. #4
    Crocodile's Avatar
    Crocodile is offline Uncommon
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    Default Re: wheel of fate is red? why does it has to say so?

    Quote Originally Posted by riolu View Post
    its because time spiral is a set with cards reprinted from older sets

    under the new rules a card's color is the color(s) that in its mana symbols in the mana cost so like if a card costs 2R to cast it will be red, and if a card costs RG to cast it will be green and red
    wheel of fate is not a reprint of any card as far as I know... and the rule youre mentioning about a cards color is not "new" its always been like that



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