Does mana have to match your deck in a magic the gathering game?
Does mana have to match your deck in a magic the gathering game?
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Fluttershy is best pony.
I mean like if my deck has only green spells in it am i allowed to put in my deck mana thats not green
genrally u want your mana to match your deck like if you are playing a green deck then you want forests and other lands that produce green mana or if u are playing a red deck you want mountains and lands that produce red mana. its ok if the lands produce colors that are not in your deck like if you are playing a green deck you can use a land that produces both black and green mana even though you dont have any black spells cuz you can use any lands you want doesnt matter what mana they produce but you want them to produce mana accodring to the spells you got cuz like if you are playing a green deck and you put only black mana in your deck you are gonna have lotsa problems casting your spells do if u do a green deck you should have most of your lands that you put in your deck make green mana and its ok if they also can make something else in addition
In non-text-wall fashion - You're allowed to put in any lands you want, regardless of the colours of your spells.
Fluttershy is best pony.