What exactly is an emblem. I oracle searched it and only Elspeth came up, but the new Venser planesworker makes one too.
What exactly is an emblem. I oracle searched it and only Elspeth came up, but the new Venser planesworker makes one too.
Arix said it's like an enchantment that can't be destroyed
Note that when I say that, I mean it functions sort of like an enchantment - it doesn't actually count as an enchantment. An emblem exists in the command zone, not in play, and just does whatever it says it does.
Fluttershy is best pony.
What's a "Command zone"? Is it a new zone?
It's sort of new. It's where schemes, planes, and EDH generals go as well.
Fluttershy is best pony.
"An emblem is a new kind of object, different from a card or a token. It's basically a marker with an ability on it. In fact, the ability is the only characteristic it has. Emblems have no color, name, card type, or anything else—just that ability. They live in the command zone, which is the same place that Archenemy schemes, Planechase planes, Vanguard cards, and EDH generals hang out. They're not permanents, and absolutely nothing can touch them or get rid of them, simply because no cards say that they can."
July 2010 Update Bulletin : Daily MTG : Magic: The Gathering
Are there any other cards that make emblems that are just stated differently?
The only card currently that makes an emblem is Elspeth. When Scars is released, Venser and Koth will be added.
Fluttershy is best pony.
Is an emblem a permanent?
Fluttershy is best pony.