anyone here know, if I tap creature to sacrifice, does creature with sacrifice ability trigger
anyone here know, if I tap creature to sacrifice, does creature with sacrifice ability trigger
Going to need some more information on that.
Fluttershy is best pony.
I mean I tap Tar Pitcher to sacrifice mogg fanatic does the mogg fanatic ability also trigger and i do 3 damage?
No. Each sacrifice is an individual cost that you must pay specifically to activate that ability. It doesn't happen just because you happen to sacrifice it.
A good thing to keep in mind is the difference between activated and triggered ability. Mogg Fanatic and Tar Pitcher each have activated abilities, not triggered abilities (you can tell by the way they're written - "Cost: Effect"). For this, you have to specifically pay the cost to get the ability. Triggered abilities are written "When/Whenever/At (trigger condition), (effect)". These are the ones that trigger when something happens (compare Mogg Fanatic to Goblin Arsonist).
Fluttershy is best pony.