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  1. #1
    taran22's Avatar
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    Default Where can I get the Dark Tower Board Game by Milton Bradley from 1981

    Anyone knoe where I can get the board game Dark Tower by Milton Bradley from 1981?

    I need it complete with all pieces, in near mint condition, and with the tower working

    In eBay it goes for over $200 and sometimes over 300 bucks. Which is kinda out of my budget. Is there somewhere I can get it cheaper?

    By the Way, why is it so expensive anyway?
    Last edited by taran22; 12-07-2008 at 05:53 PM.

  2. #2
    gamescollector is offline Uncommon
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    Quote Originally Posted by taran22 View Post
    Anyone knoe where I can get the board game Dark Tower by Milton Bradley from 1981?

    I need it complete with all pieces, in near mint condition, and with the tower working

    In eBay it goes for over $200 and sometimes over 300 bucks. Which is kinda out of my budget. Is there somewhere I can get it cheaper?

    By the Way, why is it so expensive anyway?
    If you want to get it in that condition it is going to be expensive. Nothing much to do, unless you get real lucky and find it in some garage sale or flea market and they don't know what its worth (because they dont use RarityGuide.com )

    Still, it is going to be hard to find in mint or near mint condition, especially since the tower unit was prone to wear and there and technical faults such as with the light bulbs and the carousel.

  3. #3
    starfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taran22 View Post
    Anyone knoe where I can get the board game Dark Tower by Milton Bradley from 1981?

    I need it complete with all pieces, in near mint condition, and with the tower working

    In eBay it goes for over $200 and sometimes over 300 bucks. Which is kinda out of my budget. Is there somewhere I can get it cheaper?

    By the Way, why is it so expensive anyway?
    Regarding why it is so expensive, in addition to what games collector said about the tower unit, the game also had very limited production as it was pulled from the market due to lawsuits and litigations against Milton Bradley by some people who claimed that their game idea was stolen.

    So yea, if you want to get this game mint and do not want to pay ebay price, you going to have to do a lot of flea market and garage sale hunting...

  4. #4
    taran22's Avatar
    taran22 is offline Uncommon
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    My best friend just gave this game to me for Christmas... so problem solved



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