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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Bloomington, IN

    Ladybug Good find for me

    It might not be a huge find but I was recently at a local goodwill thrift store and for $1.99 I found super Mario bros. 3 in the box complete!! The cellophane was removed but everything was in there game, sleeve, booklet and ad inserts. The game was mint, it didn't look like anyone touched it, the label was perfect. The only beef I had which I understand a little was besides the stupid UPC sticker they put on the box which was hard to get off without hurting anything is and if you know goodwill that they take a magic marker and write on it!! For instance if it's $1.99 they mark a (1) on the item incase the sticker comes off and the checkout knows how much it is. So by the way if anyone reads this post and could help I have many other games with marker on the actual plastic cartridge does anyone know a safe removal technique that won't hurt or discolor?? Thanks for any help. Keep on gamin'!

  2. #2
    NESman's Avatar
    NESman is offline Common
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Good find for me

    very cool find

    check here for some tips on removing the marker:
    removing sharpie from n64 cart

  3. #3
    Jenkem_Addict88 is offline Very Common
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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Good find for me

    rubbing alcohol works for most markers on carts.

    use goo gone to remove unwanted stickers from carts. it will also remove super hardcore permanant markers.

  4. #4
    gthor is offline Very Common
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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Good find for me

    Try something Called "Goo Off" or "Goo-Gone". I've had real good luck with that stuff. Dip a Qtip in it just to test the plastic.



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