View Full Version : Magic Rules Questions
- Multiple Amulet of Vigor and Celestial Colonnade rulings magic
- breath of life on creature that has shroud in graveyard magic
- magic extra arms on Nicol Bolas deal damage discard card rulings
- Mishra's Factory and humility creature stats magic
- Ethersworn Shieldmage respond lightning bolt cast destroy magic
- Gelectrode cast instant spell countered untap? mtg
- can Bogardan Rager give himself +4/+0 as it enters the battlefield?
- Battlefield Forge can I take 2 damage and add RW to my mana pool?
- Cryptoplasm copying a swamp affected by Kormus Bell
- Megatog can you sacrifice two artifacts for +6/+6?
- Rally the Troops when player attacks my planeswalker magic
- Turbulent Dreams mtg rulings discard x cards in response spell
- can my Eviscerator enter the battlefield if i control platinum emperion magic
- Kor Chant can source of my choice have protection from white?
- Kor Chant creature redirect damage no longer on battlefield magic
- Hisoka's Defiance and Splice onto Arcane spells magic
- Matsu-Tribe Birdstalker vs Brass Gnat untap step quesition does not untap magic
- Mistfolk questions counter target spell that targets mistfolk magic rulings
- Kjeldoran Gargoyle first strike rules gains life deal damage
- Bala Ged Thief artificial evolution rulings magic change creature type ally
- Essence Flare rulings magic cryptoplasm beginning of upkeep get counter before after
- Reveille Squad vs Seasoned Marshal rulings magic
- Spell Burst vs Green Sun's Zenith what is converted mana cost magic
- Endemic Plague and changeling sacrifice to destroy all creatures magic
- kismet rulings Nettle Sentinel cast magic tapped or untapped?
- Magic Ruling for Ixidron and Morph Creature
- Latchkey Faerie prowl ability clarification soldier fairy magic
- is Tahngarth's Glare affected by Mindlock Orb? magic
- tezzeret animating artifact creature interactions ability questions magic
- Do you get mana refund if your spell gets countered? magic
- Hive Mind copy instant spell rules buyback magic Clockspinning
- myr landshaper rulings Inertia Bubble island does not untap magic
- Does this combo work: Myr Landshaper and Splinter
- Phyrexian Rebirth rulings regenerate creature magic Tangle Hulk
- Mob Mentality Animate wall rulings magic Wall of Air
- Puppeteer Clique Kitchen Finks combat persist rulings magic
- Chromatic Sphere can you activate its ability the turn it entered the battlefield mtg
- Rootwater Shaman flash rulings magic enchant creature you control
- magic can you target a creature with spell even without paying cost?
- Trash for Treasure Spine of Ish Sah artifact rulings magic
- Akroma's Vengeance artifacts, creatures, and enchantments destoyed same time? magic
- Wellwisher does it include itself when counting elf on battlefields?
- if cryptoplasm is copying artifact creature, does cop: artifacts affect it?
- megrim and Wheel and Deal discard hand magic ruling
- does Dark Tutelage trigger consecrated sphinx? magic
- Epochrasite rulings Corrupted Conscience suspend ability magic
- conspire rulings magic Barkshell Blessing share color with it spell
- Serra Ascendant attack trample magic rulings lifelink life gain
- Cryptoplasm Germ Token coat of arms creature type rules magic
- can I play Rupture Spire then immediately tap it for mana before sacrifcing it? magic
- Viridian Emissary land card battlefield trigger Horn of Greed? magic
- Forge Armor Isochron Scepter Sacrifice Artifact magic
- Goblin War Drums and False Orders magic creatures blocking rules
- False orders on two blocking creatures magic
- if i use 3rd ability of Questing Phelddagrif he has empty library does he lose? magic
- Pyrostatic Pillar and Burrenton Forge-Tender prevent damage red source magic
- can you sacrifice Unyaro Griffin to counter split second spell?
- Solarion and fist of suns sunburst rulings mana cost magic
- crown of suspicion myr sire give bonus to myr creatures magic
- can you use Sleight of Mind to change color chosen from Painter's Servant magic
- darkest hour vs mirran crusader protection from black magic
- does cryptoplasm also copy the card's name? magic
- Serra's Boon on Novablast Wurm magic how much bonus does it get
- can you reroute ability of Yukora, the Prisoner magic
- Academy Ruins Ayumi, the Last Visitor unblockable magic rules legendary landwalk
- can I cast panic on my attacking creature just to draw an extra card next turn? mtg
- Vedalken Shackles ruling magic take control of inkmoth nexus
- Arix, Hero of Bladehold Ruling
- Tidewater Minion lose defender rulings magic attack each turn if able
- Hero of bladehold and angelic benediction attack alone rulings magic
- monsoon rules no mana burn magic tap islands
- Angelic Protector Ivy Seer no cards in hand target rules ability magic
- cryptoplasm and text changing abilities mind bend rulings magic
- would a Golgothian Sylex affect a tenth edition millstone
- magic sleep rules situation with creature already tapped
- brass squire and grafted exoskeleton attach unattach magic Oculus rulings
- Flensermite infect damage magic vs thrun the last troll deal regular damage?
- Phyrexian Revoker name piston sledge equip activated ability?
- Words of Worship truce card interaction rulings magic
- do i look at card before or after I draw? galvanoth ruling magic
- Assault Strobe on Ulamog's Crusher double strike annihilator rules magic
- Kuro Pitlord and pay mana or sacrifice ability magic
- Barbed Field land tap for mana deal damage? magic
- Knowledge pool and Kismet - Enter Battlefield Tapped or untapped?
- can you Ricochet Trap an aura in magic
- conspiracy and changeling name creature type rules
- Fight or Flight morph creatures face up magic
- Angelic Curator protection from artifacts and Culling Scales magic
- Shorecrasher Mimic blue green spell rules knowledge pool
- Soul Foundry rules magic morph creature play face down imprint
- can you use coffin queen on mirran crusader? magic
- Twincast and replicate Pyromatics rules magic
- innocent blood magic can I cast when I control no creatures?
- if I skip upkeep do I have to sacrifice darba magic
- Tar Pitcher and cryptoplasm copy of goblin magic
- Red Sun Zenith damage rules Whippoorwill prevented redirected
- Firemane Angel cryptoplasm rules return graveyard from battlefield mtg
- can you activate Diaochan, Artful Beauty with only one creature on the battlefield?
- flicker on myr welder does it still have imprint abilities? magic
- flicker on cryptoplasm does it stay the same creature it was? magic
- Steel Hellkite Rules Myr Welder Magic Imprint faq
- Corrupted Conscience on Flickering Spirit magic
- Myr Welder and Pull from Eternity magic rules exile imprint
- can you imprint Crimson Kobolds on chrome mox for red mana?magic
- unattached from a permanent wording rules Grafted Exoskeleton magic
- Grafted Exoskeleton unattached magic destroy target artifact
- Deathmark Prelate sacrifice Activate this ability only any time u could cast sorcery
- Rancid Earth and threshold rules seven cards in graveyard magic
- protection?
- what happens if there is Rule of Law and knowledge pool in play? magic
- Curiosity on Abyssal Specter magic rules draw card discard card
- can i cast burning inquiry then use runeflare trap before they discard for more dmg?
- some questions on protection rules mtg
- Skinthinner vs Aphetto Runecaster turn face up magic draw card
- Torrent of Lava prevent damage while on stack ability question magic
- Cryptoplasm and Makeshift Mannequin counter rules magic
- Steel of the Godhead on white blue creature magic
- Yore-Tiller Nephilim and training drone magic rules tapped and attacking
- Crypoplasm preacher gain control target creature as long tapped magic
- desertion and playing morph face down creature magic
- Swell of Courage and Horrifying Revelation reinforce rules magic
- platinum emperion and breeding pool magic rules you may pay 2 life
- coastal piracy and Skirk Drill Sergeant rulings magic reveal goblin card
- Soul Link on Psychosis Crawler rules mtg
- proliferate with fuel for the cause vs thrun the last troll
- can mindbreak trap counter thrun the last troll? magic
- Cloven Casting multicolored spell rulings fist of suns
- Cryptoplasm echo cost Firemaw Kavu echo rules deal damage magic
- Arcbound Slith modular +1/+1 counter can you stifle? magic
- Wildheart Invoker thrun the last troll ability magic gain control of creature
- Task Mage Assembly vs Thrun the Last Troll any player may activate ability magic
- Dance of the Dead and Phyrexian Colossus untap question magic
- hero of bladehold and captain of the watch vigilance attacking magic
- crypt rats and Mephidross Vampire magic +1/+1 counter damage ruling
- does Lich's Mirror help against poison counters magic
- Dream Leash untapped creature taps in response magic
- Concerted Effort and pristine angel rules mtg
- Nullstone Gargoyle replicate Shattering Spree rules magic
- Sunforger and split card rulings quesion magic
- Golgari Thug dies to empty graveyard put on library? magic
- imprint equipped creature ability question magic myr welder faq
- myr welder question can you imprint token right after it dies? magic
- blightsteel colossus and myr welder exile magic
- two abyssal persecutor in play noone has way to sac it what happens
- mirrodin besieged poison infect rules how do i heal myself from poison counters? mtg
- can plague myr be used as a land the first turn it comes out? magic
- Mirran Crusader vs Talruum Champion first strike magic double strike rulings
- Ebonblade Reaper attack morph lose life magic
- can you stifle the ability of tempting wurm magic
- plaguemaw beast proliferate +1/+1 counters -1/-1 counters cancel each other magic
- Archmage Ascension and Read the Runes draw cards magic sacrifice permanents
- knowledge pool and Dark Triumph pay alternate cost magic
- chill and knowledge pool magic cast red spell
- Reanimate and platinum emperion magic lose life before after
- Thundermare and intruder alarm magic untap creatures
- Cruel Revival Flesh-Eater Imp sacrifice creature zombie magic
- can I cast Feedback Bolt while controlling no artifacts to get it in knowledge pool
- does Thrun, the Last Troll ability work in graveyard magic not shroud
- Gather Specimens hero of bladehold combat question magic
- tokens soldiers battle cry hero of bladehold optional? magic
- Iona, Shield of Emeria and cryptoplasm choose a color
- does this work as a combo: Shaman's Trance and Praetor's Counsel magic
- Domineer and cryptoplasm magic rulings you control enchanted artifact creature
- Cryptoplasm copies Ethersworn Shieldmage ability prevent all damage artifact creature
- Unyaro Bees vs stifle activated ability magic
- Oxidda Scrapmelter and destroy target artifact ability magic
- Sphere of the Suns can you add more then one mana at once? mtg
- multiple Spin Engines and creature blocking magic combat question
- Sangromancer ruling if opponent discards a creature do I gain 6 life?
- Blue Sun's Zenith can I shuffle it into library before drawing? magic
- Phantasmal Mount and day of judgment creature sacrifice
- can i use Frenetic without any cards in my hand magic
- Flesh Allergy creatures graveyard lose life magic
- cryptoplasm and inkmoth nexus manland rulings magic
- spy network and morph creatures turn face up ability magic
- clone shell and spy network face down creature card
- Oracle of Mul Daya and Spy Network cards revealed magic
- Can you have more than 4 non-basic lands in a deck?
- Cryptoplasm and Ambush Commander copy forest creature magic
- Galvanoth and Gaea's Blessing magic shuffle graveyard library
- if i cast Mirran Mettle and he destroys one of my metalcraft artifact magic
- cryptoplasm copy creature token graveyard magic
- pistus strike poison counter destroy creature regeneration magic
- Banshee's Blade and combat damage magic charge counters
- Banshee's Blade equipped creature charge counters rulings
- cryptoplasm and Wall of Tombstones magic what is its power and tougness?
- leyline of the void and blighsteel colossus magic
- hero of bladehold question Lightmine Field damage to attacking creatures
- spirit link and Quilled Slagwurm attack magic
- Viashino Heretic and phyresis magic enchanted creature has infect
- Viashino Heretic on blightsteel colossus is damage still dealt? magic
- Galvanoth do I do ability before or after I draw card magic
- mirran spy cast artifact spell untap creature magic
- Frantic Salvage no artifacts in graveyard draw card
- obliterate and second sunrise rules return lands to battlefield magic
- Tooth and Nail Clone rules Phyrexian hydra magic
- Natural Emergence and humility rules magic
- Creeping Mold and Veiled Sentry destroy enchantment magic
- bedlam vs creatures with defender
- Mycosynth Golem and myr enforcer affinity for artifacts rules magic
- Kemba's Legion equipped with echo circlet how many creatures can she blocked? magic
- does Contested War Zone change controllers if damage is dealt to my planeswalker?
- green suns zenith and morph creatures zero converted mana cost magic
- Fuel for the cause rulings blightsteel colossus library graveyard
- consecrated sphinx shroud ivory mask draw a card magic
- thrun the last troll and mindslaver personal shroud magic
- knowledge pool progenitus protection from everything straight hand to battlefield?
- Bounty Hunter and Bane of the Living morph counters magic
- Extra Arms target creature or player chosen when you cast or when creature attacks?
- Goblin Charbelcher is the target chosen when I cast it or after the land is revealed?
- Green Sun's Zenith and knowledge pool value of X magic
- steel sabotage question return artifact to hand magic
- can you use Corrupted Conscience on creature that already has infect?
- Criptoplasm sunburst Etched Oracle +1/+1 counters copy
- can piston sledge attach itself to a goblin brawler? magic
- Meddling mage and knowledge pool rules mtg cant cast
- living weapon card attach to different germ token? magic
- Inkmoth Nexus and Black Sun's Zenith rules magic -1/-1 counters
- Parallel Thoughts searching for less then 7 cards rules magic
- Ancestral Tribute flashback cast from graveyard rule
- galvanoth rulings knowledge pool magic cast
- Galvanoth combo leyline of anticipation magic flash rules
- Blightsteel Colossus rules cryptoplasm shuffle into library? magic
- cryptoplasm and momentary blink magic flicker
- metallic mastery and artifacts summoning sickness magic game card
- cryptoplasm and phyrexian rager rules draw 1 card lose 1 life
- Pistus strike creature without flying poison counter magic
- fangren marauder rulings mortarpod sacrifice creature lose game?
- Necrotic Ooze, Cryptoplasm, Myr Welder rules abilities graveyard mtg
- does Ground Seal stop Praetor's Counsel? magic
- thrun the last troll cryptoplasm rulings magic
- Glissa the traitor legendary rules same time graveyard return artifact magic
- does sangromancer work on tokens magic
- cryptoplasm dryad arbor copy destroy nonbasic land type magic
- another knowledge pool question magic
- can you use Riftsweeper to get rid of spell exiled by knowledge pool? mtg
- Thrun the last Troll question Cairn Wanderer half shroud rules magic
- cryptoplasm rules copying another cryptoplasm magic faq
- Endless Whispers Phage the Untouchable rules magic
- does Red Sun's Zenith trigger Psychogenic Probe shuffle library magic
- can Spire Serpent attack 1st turn i have metalcraft? rules for metalcraft card magic
- vivisection cast when I control no creature magic
- phyrexian revoker shut down eldrazi spawn? magic
- phyrexian revoker and mana abilities magic
- can phyrexian revoker stop skullclamp? magic
- can phyrexian revoker stop creature with cascade
- Consecrated Sphinx FAQ Words of Wind draw card trigger magic
- consecrated sphinx and kavu climber
- can Parallax Tide leave play ability be stifle magic
- magic what happens if a cryptoplasm copies a face down morph creature