- brain weevil rulings sorcery hive mind copy it?
- My problem with snapcaster mage - cant be cast without instant or sorcery graveyard!
- Cloistered Youth // Unholy Fiend vs Enemy of the Guildpact?
- Soul Spike snapcaster mage alternate mana cost flashback ruling?
- snapcaster mage ruljngs counterspell graveyard flashback?
- Battering Craghorn morph essence of the willd?
- living weapon and Lashwrithe essence of the wild token?
- snapcaster mage and split cards flashback cost faq?
- Thirst for Knowledge March of the Machines discard enchantment?
- Energy Arc and untapped Phantasmal Image magic
- Isolation Cell and Army of the Damned lose 26 life?
- innistrad curse can you put it on yourself?
- curse of oblivion question rulings from innistrad
- Insectile Aberration insect Belbe's Portal transform creature type?
- prey upon fight switching control of creatures?
- does Spirit of the Hearth protect me from Curse of the Bloody Tom?e
- can I exile a black double card to pay for Soul Spike instead of two single cards mtg
- Bitterheart Witch and Curse of Wizardry affect only opponent?
- Stitcher's Apprentice and time stop creature sacrifice? magic
- Grimoire of the Dead and Essence of the Wild faq
- Evil Twin and Grimoire of the Dead
- does tree of redemption effect reverse in the end of turn?
- Night Revelers haste Hanweir Watchkeep transform
- Garruk veiled cursed relentless Mirror Gallery?
- Leyline of Singularity legendary rule transform cards
- hmm, a question about potection from a a multicolored card
- innistrad Curiosity faq does it mean opponent of the creature or of me?
- prey upon and Ghostly Prison can I choose not to pay?
- garruk relentless faq doubling season
- Prey Upon fight creature transform rulings
- Bloodline Shaman creature type double faced creature?
- Skill Borrower and Daybreak Ranger moonmist?
- cytoshape/mirrorweave and trasnform cards
- Bloodline Keeper transforming into Lord of Lineage faq rulings
- vampiric Alaborn Zealot and Karmic Justice vs wooden stake?
- progenitus and Heretic's Punishment rulings
- Undead Alchemist equipped with Inquisitor's Flail attacks what happens?
- does tree of redemption trigger Needlebite Trap?
- Snakeform on card that is transforming what happens? magic
- tree of redemption and Cytoshape change life total still? magic
- Skaab Goliath vs Voiceless spirit equipped with new innistrad flail dmg?
- Wooden stake equipped creature blocked by a vampire?
- Runic Repetition rulings past in flames faq magic
- Questions of tapping abilities
- Tree of Redemption rulings captivating vampire gain control?
- Geist of Saint Traft and Boomerang no need to sacrifice?
- Geist of Saint Traft and Time Stop?
- Devil's Play on Garruk the Relentless?
- double face cards and legendary rule leyline of singularity
- can you use lost in the mist to exile a permanent if no spell has been cast?
- If u flicker garruk veil cursed what does he come back us?
- After garruk relentless has transformed to garruk veil cursed can use ability Again?
- can Garruk Wildspeaker and Garruk relentless be on the battlefield at the same time?
- when Garruk Relentless transforms, can you stifle him?
- double faced cards and equipments/auras after transform
- ninjutsu and into the roil
- Mirror-Mad Phantasm activating ability multiple times?
- Dryad Arbor is no longer green??
- Bonds of Faith on Champion of the Parish rulings magic
- Hollowhenge Scavenger morbid creature dies after enters battlefield gain 5 life?
- snapcaster mage faq and Winter Blast ruling
- Parallel Lives rulings Geist of Saint Traft
- if Skaab Ruinator is in graveyard do you still have to pay the additional cost?
- Travel Preparations innistrad can I put two +1/+1 counters on same creature?
- Deranged Assistant can I still add 1 mana if there are no cards in library?
- Frightful Delusion if I pay 1 do I still need to discard the card?
- tree of redemption ruling faq and Platinum Emperion
- tree of redemption faq ruling Strange Inversion?
- Mirror-Mad Phantasm and Back from the Brink?
- if two Hamlet Captain attack together will they give each other bonus?
- Wooden stake which creature to destroy??
- if i discard Mausoleum Guard would i put the two tokens onto the battlefield?
- how does it work if i have multiple gutter grime on the battlefield?
- can i cast make a wish from innistrad with only one card in my graveyard?
- can runic repetition target exiled card with both flashback and shroud?
- Paraselene rulings Sanguine Bond magic
- Brawn trample turn to frog rulings about ability
- Chronosavant skip turn and werewolf card spells cast?
- Heretic's Punishment cast without 3 cards in library?
- casting two moonmists Instigator Gang Wildblood Pack transform
- river of tears and reflecting pool?
- can creature with banding like Icatian Skirmishers be banded with progenitus?
- can evil twin copying a double face card transform?
- evil twin and cryptoplasm?
- Woodland Sleuth return creature card from graveyard at random question
- does Parallel Lives stack with doubling season
- new innistrad fight ability and wither or infect
- Graveyard Shovel is the card exiled at random?
- Essence of the Wild and Evil Twin copy which creature?
- can i cast Into the Maw of Hell if there are no creatures or no lands in play?
- does Burning Vengeance let me cast any spell from my graveyard?
- Unbreathing Horde what if no zombies in graveyard or battlefield
- Laboratory Maniac draw cards get it in lose game or win?
- Bonds of Faith on nightfall predator can it still fight?
- Past in Flames and sorcery that already have flashback?
- Divine Reckoning can i choose a creature with protection from white?
- prey upon and Marisi's Twinclaws double strike creature fight
- evil twin and transformed cards
- does transformed creature have summoning sickness?
- what if i cast Nevermore and name Nevermore itself would it get countered?
- Sea Gate Oracle and laboratory maniac
- Laboratory Maniac ruling with Ambition's Cost?
- innistrad new mechanic fight rules faq Nightfall Predator fighting flying creature?
- Biting Tether counters go away after enchantment disenchanted?
- two Phyrexian Battleflies activate both their abilities same turn?
- Gratuitous Violence stacking question damage
- truce card magic gathering who gets to see first how many cards player draws
- Nova Pentacle can source of my choice be "instants"
- do artifacts "die"? how about artifact creatures?
- Gatstaf Shepherd Gatstaf Howler transformed card and momentary blink
- Cradle to Grave and Mayor of Avabruck Howlpack Alpha
- can you use Skirk Alarmist to transform a double faced card?
- Kavu Lair and Champions Drake
- when creature dies Abyssal Gatekeeper exile card from graveyard counter ability?
- Callous Oppressor and tormented pariah rampaging werewolf rulings
- Apathy - no cards in hand
- Wanderwine Prophets double strike take 2 extra turns?
- Purraj of Urborg can i pay B many timed and get more counters?
- Descendant of Soramaro is other player entitled to know what order i put back cards
- Getting ahead of time: Phyrexian Crusader vs Slayer of the Wicked.
- Shimatsu the Bloodcloaked doubling season sacrifice counters? magic
- rulings for Hidden Predators enchantment becomes creature magic
- Screeching Bat Stalking Vampire transform card rulings Sacellum Godspeaker
- Civilized Scholar ruling question on transform to Homicidal Brute
- Null Profusion and Reliquary Tower and Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur what is my hand size?
- Crown of Flames return to hand creature still get bonus?
- Peel from Reality mind control hexproof?
- Hagra Crocodile and Echo Circlet block one creature?
- can i choose not to transform creature if transform condition is met? magic
- is transform a triggered ability or activated ability? magic
- some more morbid questions magic
- do tokens count for morbid?
- morbid faq animate dead rules Skirsdag High Priest morbid on? magic
- If a creature is countered does it turn on morbid?
- If a creature is countered does it turn on morbid?
- What happens If u copy a transformed card
- coin flip ruling Goblin Bangchuckers destroyed deal damage?
- Oni Possession on creature i dont control sacrifice creature?
- Can a Tumble Magnet avoid Splinter Twin Combo?
- can Seedguide Ash put dryad arbor into battlefield
- How does transform work magic
- moonmist morph transform face down card face up?
- transform faqs does moonmist cause Faithful Squire to flip?
- can Diamond Kaleidoscope use tokens put onto battlefield by another kaleidoscope?
- Gatstaf Howler Sheperd werewolf Transform Rulings?
- rulings for dearly departed additional +1/+1 counter?
- Balduvian Horde choosing which card to discard?
- two Convalescent cards battlefield gain more life?
- Sapling of Colfenor is putting the creature in your hand optional?
- Blightning and energy field discard card prevent damage?
- magic innistrad whats the difference between morph and transform?
- Copy Enchantment aura and protection from blue? magic
- Master of Arms Detainment Spell tapping creature have two to tap?
- edgewalker and Hybrid mana cost reduction?
- Lockjaw Snapper Necropede question -1/-1 counters put on creatures rules
- Just Fate and planenswalker attack rules magic
- Traveler's Cloak and Mystic Decree islandwalk question
- TRANSFORM! Wait.. how do i do that?
- Crimson Hellkite against tidal warrior who wins? magic
- Luminous Angel and Archdemon of Unx token rulings faq
- Metathran Transport Crimson Wisps creature rulings become blue red block attacker mtg
- Djinn of wishes and Inexorable Tide?
- ok guys deathtouch and indestructable
- Long-Forgotten Gohei is changling spell an arcane spell?
- drill skimmer Arc Trail destroy artifact creature rulings magic
- Meishin the Mind Cage affect only other players creatures? magic
- does Cornered Market prevent me from playing Jwari Shapeshifter?
- Mirari's Wake add mana any type it can produce? magic
- Sabertooth Alley Cat rulings gain defender magic
- Order of Whiteclay vigilance Accorder's Shield rulings magic
- Countering spells that target Illusions.
- metalcraft rulings Spiraling Duelist artifacts question
- Glory of Warfare turn creature rulings question
- Wirewood Symbiote's once per turn ability gaining control can i use again? magic
- creature with Brilliant Halo exiled what happens to Brilliant Halo?
- does Ivory Cup when white planeswalker is cast
- does Relentless Assault let my planeswalker attack again?
- uba mask cast spells without paying cost?
- Veldrane of Sengir Hammerheim loses landwalk abilities -3/-0 again?
- Acceptable Losses additional cost to discard card at random rulings
- Goldenglow Moth vs creature with trample live or die lose life?
- Redirecting a counterspell?
- Possessed Nomad rulings mtg white creature threshold black creature?
- can Welkin Guide give +2/+2 bonus to itself? magic
- Question about dust elemental and counterspell'ing him
- can Vertigo be casted on creature without flying
- mass polymorph
- Question about creature tap abilities.
- Martial Coup destroy all other creatures means other players creatures?
- An-Zerrin Ruins and sand squid untap? magic
- Stranglehold vs karn liberated skip first turn?
- Discombobulate with less then 4 cards in my deck
- Thousand-Year Elixir Weathered Wayfarer rulings magic
- can Crown of the Ages attach Leshrac's Rite to pro black creature?
- Dark Privilege enchanted creature regenerate magic
- Are permanents in exile counted to be under your control?
- yet another question from me
- Sludge Strider stifle counter when? magic
- Starved Rusalka sac itself for life?
- can i cast Warriors Stand as my planeswalker is being attacked
- Ambassador Oak and Blood Funnel rulings mtg
- is it possible to activate ability of Pyrohemia after beginning of end step?
- doubling season Petrified Plating time counters affected
- Fleshwrither can you transfigure with mindlock orb on battlefield
- Cryptoplasm copying creatures in graveyards
- Twincast rulings Might of Old Krosa copy instant on main phase magic
- library of leng w/ Recycle
- Aphotic Wisps and deathgazer magic rulings block and destroy?
- can phantasmal image copy phantasmal dragon?
- if i cast Swift Maneuver and no damage is ever dealt do i still draw?
- cryptoplasm copying Lost Order of Jarkeld power toughness?
- adaptive automation effect rule
- Blind Fury and Bant Battlemage lose trample magic
- Coral Net discard card mandatory or sacrifice? magic
- avatar of woe Phantasmal Image 10 cards in graveyard copy cost?
- Melira, Sylvok Outcast and spiked cannibal counters magic
- Dismal Failure and Spiritual Focus discard card hand ability trigger with no cards?
- Myojin of Infinite Rage rulings destroys my lands? magic
- Recurring Nightmare and Opalescence ability rulings magic
- Turn to Frog VS. Drifting Shade?
- Rending Vines instant hand count itself? magic rulings
- Battle Squadron and angelic renewal creature situation rulings
- Dread Reaper and demon's Horn magic rulings
- Mesmeric Trance can you use ability when holding no cards?
- Lavalanche does it target creatures?
- Vampiric Touch and endure prevent damage magic
- does other player lose if i cast Opportunity and he has less then 4 cards in deck?
- does Epic Struggle count tokens for the number?
- devoted druid melira sylvok outcast?
- can Initiate of Blood target creature that had not been dealt damage this turn?
- can Soul Rend target non white creature?
- Seeker of Skybreak and Knacksaw Clique untap symbol summoning sickness rulings?
- Infested Roothold vs Steel Golem atrifact protection?
- Putting tokens by sources you control into others control
- Contaminated Bond and Avatar of Hope block many creatures rulings?
- Master Warcraft and Relentless Assault? additonal combat phase rulings
- Diabolic Tutor can i decide not to find card
- Anowon, the Ruin Sag and jailer and Squee, Goblin Nabob
- Scrapdiver Serpent vs artifact creature unblockable one artfifact exactly?
- Puresight Merrow untap same turn with haste? magic
- Venser's Journal 8 cards in hand still choose to discard?
- Hydromorph Guardian and manland Inkmoth Nexus magic
- Vedalken Infuser can you put a charge counter on some artifact that doesnt use it?
- Oboro, Palace in the Clouds legendary rule return to hand ability? magic
- can Mistform Mask give multiple creature types to a creature? magic
- enslave on infect creature poison counters?
- Okiba-Gang Shinobi Giltspire Avenger exalted rulings ninjutsu
- Earthshaker Spiritual Visit deal four damage? magic
- can Basalt Monolith untap itself
- Melira, Sylvok Outcast rulings grim poppet? magic