Pokemon Black White Version 2 Walkthrough

All articles covering the game of Pokemon Black/White 2.

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    With one truly remarkable item now in your pocket, snag a bottle of vitamins lying around and move on to some fresh multiple-opponent battles.

    In addition to more multiple-opponent battles, you'll get a chance at possibly the best move for catching pokemon that exists within the game.

    Thankfully, the youngest of the Professors is willing and able to act as your guide and guardian on your trip through Reversal Mountain- and the healing is an opportunity you shouldn't ever pass up.

    The Strange House has only a few items in it, but some of these items are a big deal, and the house itself is tricky, forcing you to navigate a maze of rearranging furniture.

    More leveling opportunities with higher-level wild pokemon are to be found here, as well as the twisted, ever-changing abandoned building that, oddly, guarantees your shot at good dreams.

    The cartrige-specific pokemon in the Reversal Mountain area bring some interesting flavor to what you're doing here.  Either of them can make an amazing contribution to your team if you have a spot for a defensive Psychic type or an all around offense pokemon.

    A lot of the pokemon you've been seeing so far haven't been very defensive, so the array available in the Reversal Mountain area are a nice change of pace.

    Lentimas Town holds a number of valuables, most importantly the Blue Shard Move Tutor.

    Conversations with Professors will lead you to your next few goals- namely examining Reversal Mountain and then passing through it to search out Opelucid City.

    With both Celestial Tower and the Gym handled, make a quick diversion for a hidden treasure and then it's time to go for a bit of a ride.

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