Guild Wars 2

All articles relating to Guild Wars 2

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    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This part covers the story mission, "Seeking Logan's Aid", the second in the "Missing Sister" story arc. This is for those who chose to report to Logan Thackeray after they learned of Tervelan's treachery against the Screaming Falcons.

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This part covers the human story mission, "Fall of Falcon Company", as the Hero of Shaemoor begins their search for their lost sister.

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This part covers the quest, "Help First Haven's residence deal with the undead". It gives the details of the quest and explains the best ways to complete the various tasks laid out for this quest.

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This part covers the quest, "Support the troops stationed at Ascalon Settlement". It gives the details of the quest and explains the best ways to complete the various tasks laid out for this quest.

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This part covers the quest, "Rescue fallen Seraph in the Bloodfields". It gives the details of the quest and explains the best ways to complete the various tasks laid out for this quest.

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This covers the Mad King's Shadow events where you must enter the Mad Realm itself. This article focuses on the game, "Lunatic Inquisition."

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This covers the Mad King's Shadow where you enter the Mad Realm itself. This articles focuses on the game, "Reaper Rumble."

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This covers the Mad King's Shadow, bringing you into the Realm of the Mad King. This focuses on the Mad King's Clocktower.

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This covers the Mad King's Shadow events where you must seek out the missing pages of the Mad King's Memoirs. This leads you into "Ascent to Madness" where you battle the Mad King Thorn himself.

    A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This covers the Mad King's Shadow events where you must seek out the missing pages of the Mad King's Memoirs. This leads you into Wynn within the Tomb by Fort Cadence for the final piece of Thorn's Memoires.

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