Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 74 – Sequence 12 “Tainted Blood”

Optional Objectives:
Stay out of combat
Use 2 Guards as human shields

Be sure to replenish your ammunition before starting this memory. After that head for Havana. You will find the city is one massive restricted area right now because of a curfew. This makes it a very bad time to engage in side activities here. Instead just head for the marker that sits in the city. After the opening you have the objective to locate the Governor. For now the “Stay out of combat” objective is not in effect but it is much easier getting around by avoiding combat.

Head over to the East and loop to the North then West. There is a Gunner on the nearby rooftop close to the cathedral you will want to hit with a Sleep Dart then knock out. Free run to the North after that Get to the back of the cathedral. Look to the West to find a group of Templars gathered. Use Eagle Vision to mark them. Things are quickly apparent they are going to go meet Governor Torres.

They will start to the South. Run along the rooftops and keep going South. Remember to stay within 40 meters of them. Stop when you get to the rooftops near the front of the Cathedral. Stay on the rooftops and be sure you have them marked with Eagle Vision. Everything is just easier with them marked and you can see them through solid surfaces. They will make a left at the front of the cathedral then a second one a block down. Follow them North until the encounter with the prisoners. A block after that they will turn to the right. Rush over 2 Rooftops and wait for the Captain to separate from the group. Move up to the Gunner that is nearby at that point and take him out. Repeat this with the second gunner who is a bit farther East. Continue East carefully as there are 2 more Guards you need to knock out: a Gunner and a Scout. The scout is first just before the corner in the rooftops. The Gunner is on a lower rooftop just before the entrance to the fort. Take them out and wait for the Templars to enter the fort. Now the first optional objective becomes active.

Time to break into this fort, again. This time head to the North and toward the Fort's wall. Use the trees to reach the wall of the fort and grab onto the post. Climb straight up and stop the edge of the top. Head over to the left and climb up to the Viewpoint that is nearby. Wait for the patrolling Scouts to be looking away then air assassinate the Gunner there. Now look to the Southeast and tag the Scout there with a Sleep Dart. Do the same for the one just to the North. This one you can get either a Sleep Dart or a Corner Assassination. Just whistle at him when he is close to the crates. Now head to the Southern side of the fort. Take out the Gunner in the corner. Now it is time to move toward taking out your target. Go onto the wire suspended between the two southern corners. Wait for Torres to be highlighted then strike. Time for a fight.

Edward is taking on El Tiburon. For now just avoid getting hit by hit. Use parries to avoid the worst of his attacks. For the first part of the fight, it is best to focus on the second Optional Objective to finish things out completely. Fight the lesser Soldiers and deal with El Tiburon as needed. When he raises his pistol is when you want to grab a human shield. Do this twice then it is onto actually fighting him. He is not much of a challenge if you start shooting him. He is immune to all other kinds of damage.

Now you need to escape this area. The most interesting way is to head on through the city. Just escape from your pursuit then head for the marked assassin bureau. Now it is time to for the Observatory once more. Torres is heading for the Observatory. It is time to end him.